View Full Version : Help!!!

05-08-08, 20:40
this all started two yrs ago with me going to the hospital for my heart racing and they had told me i have anxiety i didnt belive them i went to the hospital numerous times first for my head that i was having an anyerysm then my heart i was gonna die because i started getting palpatations they did numerous test and nothing then from there it was my stomach i was bleeding inside i had ulcers nothing now that there is nothing else to check in my body now i think im going crazy because i went to the hospital so many times for nothing it must be that im really going crazy i think about it all day i think what if i will hurt someone or myself even though i have a fear of dying what if i start hearing things what if i end up in the loney bin or become a shizo or bi polar what if what if what if is this all part of my anxiety or am i really showing signs that im gonna go crazy??????