View Full Version : Have you found a correlation between your alcohol intake and panic severity?

05-08-08, 21:02
It seems to me that I have much worse panic in the days following a night of heavy drinking. In college I used to be able to drink 10-12 beers a night and get up, feel fine, and do it again the next day.

These days, if I even have 7 or 8 beers in a night, I can count on a couple of days of horrible panic afterwards. Has anyone else found a direct correlation between drinking and panic? I wonder how much it would help me if I took an extended break from the drinking.

05-08-08, 21:24
Oh there is a massive correlation between the 2 - alcohol fuels the anxiety and panic big time!

Best to cut down and avoid binges as it will make you feel 100 times worse the next day!

05-08-08, 21:25
Mate, I get it exactly the same. As i write im nursing a hangover and the panic attacks that go with it. Im still at university and as such Im surrounded by booze. I tried a different tactic last night -

After a period of around 3 months without heavy drinking I stocked up on everything to cure the hangover: alka seltzer for the morning after, salt replacement for before I went to bed, plenty of my favorite tv shows, a day off work and some orange juice (with juicy bits).

. . . it failed (lol).

I've decided that if I drink to the stage where I can still feel the alcohol before I sleep then no matter how light or heavy the hangover im probably gonna have panic attacks the next day.

My solution (as of today) - dont drink heavily when im feeling succeptible to panic (but try and tell me that on friday when my friends hand me that first sweet sweet beer after work!)

05-08-08, 21:49
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

I do know, its helps to know and understand, why the first panic, happened in the first place, I know its not always possible to find the reason, but there is always one somewhere.

I drank with noo probs for many years, just normal drink, some weekends, going out with friends, hubby, normal hangovers.

When I was acute, with panic, high anxiety, YES, the panic, anxiety was worse, I did however find this great site and thought, mmm, STOP the drinking, just for now, just untill I could get my head around what was going on with my mind and body AND why.

It is true, that if we STOP, drinking, just for NOW, NOT forever, just untill we can learn all about panic, anxiety, learn how to deal with the anxietys, stop the panic, we can go back to having a few scups.

I can drink now, I can go out have a good time, nooo panic, high anxiety after, BUT, ohhh I can't get away from the hangover :wacko:LOL

So, YES hun, I feel it may help to have a break from the drink for awhile, it helped me, NOT FOREVER, please, tell yourself this. I know alcahol is noo good when you are acute with panic, high anxiety. Maybe this is your mind and body telling you, it just does not want it right now, are minds have funny ways in how it tells us when things NEED to be addressed. I know for me, my first panic, it was my minds way of telling me, I had somethings, I NEEDED to address.

You know yourself better than anyone hun, only YOU can help yourself at this point hun, if it means giving up the drink for awhile to help you get better, THEN its worth it, is'nt it, don't you think?

Knowing and understanding panic, anxeity, IS dame hard, maybe you have just programmed your mind into having pa's at these time, thats possible, so, give yourself a break hun :hugs:it helped me, it may help you hun.



milly jones
05-08-08, 21:52
if i have a large glass of wine i get anx and depression symptome worse a couple of days later

i love the odd glass, but it affects me greatly, esp my mood

milly xx

05-08-08, 22:20
hi ...yeah there is def a link wiv drink and anxiety but i find it hard not 2 drink as im that used 2 sitting wiv bottle of wine watching tv and im currently trying 2 cut it out ....but wiv no success ..if alcohol isnt a problem 2 u then id def say stop drinkin and u will feel much better x

Titch xxx

06-08-08, 08:13
I am with Milly on this one, one sniff of a drink and I am destroyed the next day, its horrible I feel like a social leper all my mates go out at weekends and my kids 19 and 20 stay in on Saturday nights cause they work weekends and ask me to join them for a takeaway and a drink (sometimes they even bring me a bottle of wine) I feel dead horrible refusing to drink but its just not worth it the next day,



06-08-08, 12:02
HI I dont drink full stop. Not after downing a bottle of baileys on a monday night playing quickwords on the nmp arcade and by the wednesday feeling more depressed and anxious than i had done for years and years. I've never been much off a drinker anyway. Last one I had before that was one glass of baileys in 2007 lol drink before that was 2006 lol
Alcohol is a natural depressant but bottomline is it is always your choice to take it or not. You know what it can do and how it can make you feel lol
when sweet beer = pa's anx and depression. sweet pehaps doesnt seem the most appropriate word to describe that beer afterall lol

Pooh xx

07-08-08, 16:21
A quick search would have bought up my identical post last week:


07-08-08, 16:28
Deffo mate. Stop drinking if you have panic attacks. Seriously. I'm almost at 3 months dry now and am starting to feel better.

08-08-08, 14:03
I last drank on Sunday evem got the usual breathing suffocation feelings whilst sat down in the afternoon, they have lasted around 5-6 hours before.

But the next day and beyond, nothing, to the point that I dont even remember I am prone.

lou lou
09-08-08, 15:13
Absolutely, i'm experiencing this right now, i feel so horrile & stupid!

13-08-08, 01:08
Without doubt. I've had a really good few weeks with very little anxiety and no pa. Went out on saturday night and hit it HARD and now i'm really suffering. I feel like i'm back to square one. I won't be doing that again but at the same time i feel a few drinks is good just don't over do it. It help me sleep and feel normal again as i never have anxiety or pa when i'm drunk. So just the few pints for me from now on