View Full Version : More worries again

05-08-08, 21:36
I have been more worried again and been obsessed by my weight a few months back i worried i would turn fat or something now it's the opposite I'm fairly slim anyway but I started a new job and I do alot of walking and running about the place and I have lost a few pounds but stay at a weight once I eat something but might burn it off.

I'm now worried I will fade away. I never had breakfast when I never worked but I have breakfast now, lunch and a dinner and the other day had a bar of chocolate to get energy and I'm still worried.

I duno if its my anxiety not helping or I have something up with me or its a natural thing? I tried to relax on my days off but just feel more worried even If i go and watch some tv. I have about 3 big worries which seem to keep cropping up and I can't seem to get then off my mind.

The more I worry about something the more the symptoms and acting all funny appears and it makes me think at the time the worry is more real. I had the weak faint symptom after this worrying started and I got a panic attack.

Has anybody else had worries like this and do they get better over time?

milly jones
05-08-08, 21:46
hunny anx is all about worries

when we solve one thing others will creep in to replace them.

when i was severely anx i lost weight quickly. i think anx makes ur metabolism faster.

now on meds ive put some back on, but i can go out.

think u have to think what is worse?

i believe in eating small healthy regular meals

u need to put good things into ur body to heal it

if u just eat junk ur brain will not work properly

try and take care hun

milly xxx

05-08-08, 21:59
Thanks I try and drink regular and I have had a few healthy meals some days too.

I know these worries are silly but some how i can't believe them or be positive enough to not let them get to me and it feels real.

milly jones
05-08-08, 22:08
no theyre not silly hunny, theyre are real to u

thats why anx affects u hunny, its an illness just like any other

take care

mill xxx

05-08-08, 22:21
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

When I was acute, I had many many worries, or so I thought, it was this great site that helped me soo much, to know and understand that the worries I had was just Mrs anxiety playing with me.

I am very slim, have been all my life, I don't eat healthy, mmm which I should, mmm need to change this, but when I was acute Mrs anxiety targgeted my weight, after all, who knows me better than anyone, ME, MYSELF, I am a clever person (hehe, like to think positive) and know DAME well how to frighten the life out of myself.

I have always eaten, braekfast, dinner and tea, not large amounts, never eat inbetween meals, may have bits at night, my weight or so I thought, was NOT a problem BUT, little did I know, it the back of my mind, all my life its been a problem, kids can be cruel and called me names cos I was slim :blush::weep: I always brushed it off, but when I was acute with panic, high anxiety Mrs anx picked up on it.

I was out at friends and offered a sandwhich, I never felt hungry, so just nibbled it, my friend said, jokingly, if you don't eat, you will end with an eating disorder, :ohmy: because I was acute, with panic, high anxiety, my mind went soooo negative and I started to fear and question my wieght, ohh my goodness, even thinking about it now, I am still gobsmack (shocked) on what Mrs anxiety can have you thinking (all negative)

I was sooooo scared I was going to fade away, I was convincing myself I had an eating disorder. For days I was pushing food down my mouth, feeling sick doing this. I DID NOT want to fade away, ohhh hunny, you know how the thought pattens go, how negative Mrs anxiety can be.

I did have this great site, I did have to have a good talk to myself, TRY DAME hard to help myself to understand, that this is how I have always been with my weight, I have always been slim, I DO NOT have an eating problem, it was just Mrs anxiety playing with me, she is good at doing this, BUT, I AM better at this game than she is, I WIN :yesyes:

Hun, Mrs anxiety IS playing with you, please, try and see this, I know its DAME HARD, :hugs:She plays the negative game, YOU, play the positive, you know dame well that your weight is fine, I know it helps lots to eat more healthy, mm but not easy, You need to try dame hard to focuse MORE on positive self thoughts, THERE is nooo way you are fading away, hay, I never, I am still hear.

Your worries are causing your anxiety symtpoms hun, ohh Mrs anxiety is loving this at the moment, SHE NEEDS are worries to survive. I know its dame hard in learning to take these worries away, you have to learn positive self thoughts and this takes time hun, it does not come over night.

Has anybody else had worries like this and do they get better over time?

As you can see, I have and have gotten better over time, but it was NOT easy, Mrs anxiety was there every step of the way, showing me her negative,s BUT I was right back at her, with my positives, day in day out, ohhh boy, was it hard, but well worth is, I won in the end.

Not sure if I have been of any help, but I feel, just knowing you are not alone and you can get better helps.



07-08-08, 17:50
Thanks again.

I also have some other worries and fears. I would like to consider driving but fear I can't do it or it will all go wrong and I think every worst possible scenario and I've delayed it for ages. I even have the form and photo done and still fear sending it away.

My other worries are I fear I am getting too obsessive if I don't do something I worry the anxiety has won and If I do something I worry It's some obsessive routine. I just worry and everything has to feel just right.

Is this normal with anxiety and can anybody give me any tips? I don't like how the anxiety can control me and I end up avoiding stuff.

07-08-08, 23:41
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Hun, you need to try and take the presure off yourself, when I first joined this great site, I was told to try and eccept how I was, panic, anxiety and all, NOT expect it, JUST eccept it FOR NOW, just for now, say to myself, ok, this is how I am now, but I WILL work on getting better. Look MORE to what I could do and NOT more at what I thought at the time, I could not do. Set samll goels for myself, show myself I could achive some small things.

What is it stopping you from just sending the photo off and the form, if you really think about it hun, sending this off, does not mean you are going to learn to drive straight away, maybe this goel is a little large for you right now, can you think of anything smaller you wish to do,? YOU know, deep down inside, YOU CAN DO THIS, but, Mrs anxiety is playing with at the moment, she knows you want this sooooo much, so she telling you, your NOT going to get it, YOU CAN prove her wrong hun, but you have to play her at her own game, she plays the negative, you play the positive. I CAN, I WILL, I WILL just bl**dy send it, s*d you Mrs anx.

You say everything has to feel just right, hun, when we are acute with anxiety, we notice every little feeling in our body, believe me, if you listen to Mrs anxiety NOTHING will feel right, please don;t listen to her. You have to try dame hard NOT to notice when things feel wrong and notice more when things feel right and you feel good with yourself, this is dame hard I know, if you are acute with anxiety, but it IS DAME hard dealing with anxiety, you have to work at it to get better, work of the thought pattesn, work to find positive pathways forwad..

It is normal with anxiety to question everything you do, this is Mrs anxiety, she sits beside you everyday, she waits, as soon as your thoughts go positive, she jumps in with her negative, you need to try dame hard to swish these thoughts, depending on the thought at the time.

Just say you think one day, yes I am going to send it off, Mrs anx says, ohhh noo your not LOOK, this will go wrong, that will go wrong, you have to think right back, hay, how can I see what is in the future, if I had this gift I would be famous, this goes with anything you do hun, you cannot possibly know how your going to feel or whats going to happen in the future, its only Mrs anxeity that says this is possible, when WE know, is impossible, but you must try and help yourself see this.

So hun, try setting some small goals. reach for your goal, see the goal done even before you have done it, think of how you would feel when you have done it, how proud of yourself you will be, see it done.

Phil hun, it IS DAME HARD WORK, but always remember to take breaks from trying to recover, this is a MUST the mind NEEDS to rest, find something to do that will totaly distract you from thinking anxiety, this helps us move on a little.

SET your gaals, small steps hun, be positive, believe you can do this,



08-08-08, 00:07
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Hun, you need to try and take the presure off yourself, when I first joined this great site, I was told to try and eccept how I was, panic, anxiety and all, NOT expect it, JUST eccept it FOR NOW, just for now, say to myself, ok, this is how I am now, but I WILL work on getting better. Look MORE to what I could do and NOT more at what I thought at the time, I could not do. Set samll goels for myself, show myself I could achive some small things.

What is it stopping you from just sending the photo off and the form, if you really think about it hun, sending this off, does not mean you are going to learn to drive straight away, maybe this goel is a little large for you right now, can you think of anything smaller you wish to do,? YOU know, deep down inside, YOU CAN DO THIS, but, Mrs anxiety is playing with at the moment, she knows you want this sooooo much, so she telling you, your NOT going to get it, YOU CAN prove her wrong hun, but you have to play her at her own game, she plays the negative, you play the positive. I CAN, I WILL, I WILL just bl**dy send it, s*d you Mrs anx.

You say everything has to feel just right, hun, when we are acute with anxiety, we notice every little feeling in our body, believe me, if you listen to Mrs anxiety NOTHING will feel right, please don;t listen to her. You have to try dame hard NOT to notice when things feel wrong and notice more when things feel right and you feel good with yourself, this is dame hard I know, if you are acute with anxiety, but it IS DAME hard dealing with anxiety, you have to work at it to get better, work of the thought pattesn, work to find positive pathways forwad..

It is normal with anxiety to question everything you do, this is Mrs anxiety, she sits beside you everyday, she waits, as soon as your thoughts go positive, she jumps in with her negative, you need to try dame hard to swish these thoughts, depending on the thought at the time.

Just say you think one day, yes I am going to send it off, Mrs anx says, ohhh noo your not LOOK, this will go wrong, that will go wrong, you have to think right back, hay, how can I see what is in the future, if I had this gift I would be famous, this goes with anything you do hun, you cannot possibly know how your going to feel or whats going to happen in the future, its only Mrs anxeity that says this is possible, when WE know, is impossible, but you must try and help yourself see this.

So hun, try setting some small goals. reach for your goal, see the goal done even before you have done it, think of how you would feel when you have done it, how proud of yourself you will be, see it done.

Phil hun, it IS DAME HARD WORK, but always remember to take breaks from trying to recover, this is a MUST the mind NEEDS to rest, find something to do that will totaly distract you from thinking anxiety, this helps us move on a little.

SET your gaals, small steps hun, be positive, believe you can do this,



Thanks. I had a slow start to the year and it all took off a few months ago when I started socialising more and got a new job a few months back. I worked more hours than I have ever worked before and met alot of new people I think its all caught on and I need to relax and take it all in.

I'm scared of sending the photo off in case I don't get into a pub with it, or I get points on my license or something bad happens if I drive, or I just waste my money all sorts of worrying thoughts. I know at the back of my mind it does no harm doing it as it's handy to have for a pub as my passport is years out of date.

I just can't stop worrying the main triggers are fear of going mad I end up thinking I will go manic depressed as I thought I had it until I found out earlier in the year it wasn't. Despite being told a positive the anxiety still questions am I depressed? Near the end of my last relationship I got HOCD and feared I'd turn gay in the future even though I find this a awful thought and that's worried me ever since. I know I am straight and have had two serious g.fs but the anxiety has just took over and I check myself and worry/get intrusive thoughts.

I try and think positive goals I know I want to be with a nice woman and have a family but it's been a dark cloud. Just had alot of the worries in some of the symptoms page on here.

I have had help and got over the main panic but I still worry and question myself. Some how I can't stay positive enough and I've been miserable ever since I became single. The fact I've been on dates and got no where has affected my confidence too.

It's like I have different levels of worry:

The worst (manic depression, the fear of turning gay/or being it some how/intrusive thoughts that come in all forms/the weight worry)

those are all massive worries that are almost glued in my head.

Other lesser worries are: (Will I be late for work/What i want to do in the future/when will I meet a nice woman and move out/getting old)

those seem to pass quicker in a day where as others keep popping up. The ones that hit my nerves most I think seem to get me and when they come I feel i need to worry/this is what I am all about or this is me deep down and I can't believe the positive as it gets put away to the back.

The worst worries I know if they ever happened would affect my life/make me feel like I have no life or make me unhappy as this is not what I am about I just want to be normal and I want rid of these unwanted worries.

Part of the cloud over the future is when I talk to a new woman I fear if they know all these worries they won't understand it's anxiety and think I am mad or run away. But I lack confidence as I seem to have no luck without telling them anything at the moment.

08-08-08, 00:51
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Right now, you have acute anxiety hun, all your symptoms are on here, your thoughts your fears, as you know, your are NOT alone in your fears hun, someone somewhere will have fears like yours, maybe not all of them, but I bet alot of people on hear have symptoms and thoughts they fear to mention, I have had thoughts that I am ashamed to mention on here, BUT, I did have my sister to confide in, you have shown courege you have lots of courage hun, you face your fears everday, you should be proud of yourself, letting go of your thoughts and fears on here helps us move on a little, this is your illness hun, NOT YOU , you know that, mm well I hope you do. :hugs:

You have to try and chip away at the worries hun, the small ones first. Have you had any therapy at all, forgive me if you have allready covered this on another thread.

Do you know where your anxiety started? why it started in the first place, I know for me it helped knowing and it helped me move on a little.

**I think its all caught on and I need to relax and take it all in.**

Our minds have funny ways of showing us where doing something it does not like, it sends us warning signs, if we don't heed that warning, high levels of anxiety may accure, do you think you mind was telling you to slow down, you where working far to hard and playing far to hard? only YOU know the answer to this hun, Somtimes we can push ourselves far to much and our minds NEED to rest. I always thought that when we slept it was to rest our bodys, its NOT, its to rest our minds and relax.

Again hun, I know its hard for you, but you must try and stay in the present, have you not heard that saying, today is a gift, thats why they call is present.

**The ones that hit my nerves most I think seem to get me and when they come I feel i need to worry/this is what I am all about or this is me deep down and I can't believe the positive as it gets put away to the back.**

The hardesd thing is to change the way we think, changing the way we think takes alot of hard work, time and the right support. This is what I am trying to tell you hun, YOUR positive thoughts ARE IN THERE, you said so yourself, there in the back of your mind, BUT, HUN, anxiety IS DAME HARD to work on, YOU HAVE TO pull those positive thoughts back in and keep pulling them in, keep doing keep swishing, ohhh boy, I know this is not easy. I dealt with my daughter for along time, undoing the damege Mrs P and Mrs A did to her. YEARS later, ME, myself had to face the same things, So I know how dame hard it is.

I wish I could just give you straight directions on how to deal with this, on how to fix things quick, but it took me a very, very, long time with my daugther, she is doing well now.

So again hun, can you think of small goal? small positive thoughts you can start to change.

I wish I coud be of more help hun :hugs:but the person who can help you the most is yourself. If you can find, small positive pathways forward, this is a start, BUT, hun, YOU have to look out for them, cos Mrs anx is present and she will not let you see them.

As well as learning about panic, anxiety. work on you confidance, your self asteam, but always remember to try and take breaks form working on your anxiety, this is important, finding something to do that will distract you totaly form how you feel.