View Full Version : Any one ever had hypnotherapy?

Worried worrier!
05-08-08, 22:27
Hi everyone, i'm just wondering if anyone has ever had hypnotherapy for

or Panic?

05-08-08, 22:32
Yes loads of us have!

It is very relaxing but won't cure the panic unless you keep it up and practise the relaxation.

Worried worrier!
05-08-08, 22:35
Thanks, it is something i am considering to help me with various issues and i am curious if it's helped people :)

06-08-08, 09:46
yes I

06-08-08, 09:47
yes I have had it, its very relaxing, you don't feel out of control (that was one of my fears) & it does help but needs to be kept up to, to help you. PM if you have any questions. x

26-08-08, 13:52
Im going for my first hypnotherapy and looking forward to it !! Thats the way im going to look at it , the more positive you think about it , the more of a good reaction you get !! I will give everyone feedback to how it goes if anyone like my self to be afraid of it !! :) :)

26-08-08, 14:26
Don't know if it's available now but 30 years ago I had a NHS psychiatrist who was also a hypnotherapist. He taught me self-hypnosis which I find one of the best ways to deal with anxiety problems.


26-08-08, 15:56
Hi Tom yeah hypnotherapy is real good but like Nicola said you have to keep practising and listening to it everyday.
You don't need to see a therapist cause alot of them are pricey and can rip u off if not careful, especially the NLP ones
Paul Mckenna has a brilliant website where you can download half an hour of him! Its brilliant. He also does cheap CD's to listen to as well.
Another great CD hypnosis tape which i think is the best i got from "Honeybee"x on NMP and its called "No Fear" by Robert Farago and distributed from " New World Music" The Barn, Becks Green, St Andrews, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 8NB UK
Also www.RapidTransformations.com (http://www.RapidTransformations.com) will send you 3 free
But if self hypnosis is good for you then carry on
Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-08-08, 18:11
Yes I agree with Richie, I have a lot of Paul McKennas tapes and during bad stages I used to listen to them every day as part of my before bed routine. Very relaxing and with lots of positive statements. I have also tried real hypnotherapy but it wasn't for me......I just got really stressed about how much it was costing :)