View Full Version : Muscle twitches

05-08-08, 23:35
Does anybody else get muscle twitches? I don't mean ones under the skin, I mean ones where you actually involuntarily move, please someone help :( I've worked myself up so bad, I usually get them when I'm really relaxed but now I'm thinking about them I keep getting them every couple of minutes. :(

05-08-08, 23:47
I just had one that went right up my spine :(

05-08-08, 23:51
Hey, they are CLASSIC anxiety symptoms. Ie had them recently in my chest and legs. They are annoying, but really they are NOTHING!!!!

Distract yourself. They will go away, I promise you...... Not straight away though. Just relax & accept them.

05-08-08, 23:53
Did your legs actually like jerk? Only a little bit?

10-08-08, 14:20
Hi Charlottie

I get Muscle twitching....... Have done for the past 4 months due to anxiety.
I also get the leg jerking too. It feels like a muscle in your leg contracts for just 1 second and it makes your leg move ever so slightly. Ive been told by doctors that this is also anxiety related too.

10-08-08, 14:54
Hi Charlottie

I get muscle twitches all the time sometimes my leg really jumps. I think I even got these before my anxiety was bad.


10-08-08, 17:09
Yep I have these too, they are really annoying !

10-08-08, 22:03
Hi Charlottie,

I had muscle twitches for several months during a time of stress. As you say not just under the skin, but involving the muscle. Especially noticeable when trying to relax. Try to ignore them, and I am sure you will find in time they will subside.

10-08-08, 23:48
It's only when I think about them they come back so it must be an anxiety thing. I keep forgetting things now as well, like words, so I must be really stressed atm. :(