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27-11-03, 11:27
i Have developed a dislike for going to the doctors, I am not scared but feel i am putting them out.

The problem is i am getting bruises all over my legs without banging them etc.

I feel I would go to the docs and he would smile but really think i was just being over 'anxious'

What do yu guys think?/


27-11-03, 11:36
Who cares what the doc thinks Lucky, it's how YOU feel that is important. You have every right to go to the doctors, I'm sure it will be nothing major though - I am always covered in bruises on my legs. I think a simple vitamin deficiency can encourage bruising - Meg is this right??


27-11-03, 12:03
Hi Lucky

I am always covered in bruises, once when I had to undress the doctor started lecturing me about escaping abusive relationships.

I wouldn't have minded, but I was single at the time!!!

After we had discussed this further, we came to the conclusion that it was simply because I was clumsy, had the opportunity to walk into lots of things (desks/cabinets at work and wheelbarrow/fencing at the horses) AND because I was on the pill, I would bruise much easier than I would normally. I once had a three by four bruise on my thigh, and I didn't have a clue how that got there!!!

Dont' know if this is the case with you, but it could be contributing factor.

If you are worried though - go and get it checked out!


27-11-03, 12:36
It is probably nothing but the bruises are weird. It's like little tiny bruises all around the side of my knees and big crackers at the bottom of my legs.

I don't seem to have them anywhere else so I am not too concerned (but obviously concerned enough to post here)


27-11-03, 14:24
Right Lucky

I'm going to be really horrible here.

Doctors are paid to treat the sick. If nobody went to the doctors because they were worried about bothering them, then they would be out of a job. So your going to see the doctor is helping to keep unemployment low.

My gran hardly ever went to the doctors because she didn't like to make a fuss, and she got really sick, so I made her go, and she really was ill, and she died, and they could have treated her if she hadn't been such a silly old woman and she still be here now. And I miss her loads and don't want to do Xmas, cos she always stuck up for me, and we always had a great laugh together.

So don't ever think you are bothering the doctor. If you have notice something that isn't right, pop along and get it checked out. You owe it to yourself. And any doctor who doesn't make you feel welcome should be reported.



27-11-03, 14:28
Dear Lucky

Obviously I'm not suggesting for one minute that you are going to die!!!! You have bruises!!!! She had cancer, which she had let go on for so long she had several secondaries.

It's just that it's still fresh and raw in my memory, and I just get really cross with people who don't like "troubling" the doctor.

I really really hope I haven't worried you. I have just read this post, and it doesn't sound very good at all! It wasn't meant that way, it's just that I'm still missing her loads. LOL



27-11-03, 14:35

Vit C is the one to minimize bruising- get one with biflavenoids included.

Lucky, you may not be bumping into things but how about your kids bumping into you ?

Some meds make bruising easier to sustain: aspirin, some asthma ones, steroids and several courses in a row of antibiotics. Or if you canot absorb fat well ,ie coeliac disease then oyu may have trouble absorbing vit K which noone is likely to be short of but some people have a hard time absorbing.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

27-11-03, 14:43
Thanks Radar - I will try the vit C as i am taking no meds so can't be that. Come to think of it a seven month old running about in a baby walker - I'm lucky to still to be walking!!

Charlie - Thanks for your post you haven't worried me and I understand why you get annoyed with people that don't go to the doctors- I'm usually bad for telling people to go. (my boyfriend is the typical don't want to bother the doctor male!)
I never took offense at your post as I know it was said with my welfare at heart and it didn't read nastily either


27-11-03, 14:50
Well , the walker might just explain some of those bruises then !!!!


27-11-03, 14:51
How easy is it sometimes to over look the obvious?!?

Try standing next to the baby walker. If the line of bruises matches - don't bother going to the doctors. If they don't match then promise me you'll book and appointment, or talk to your health visitor?

And get some vit c and see if that makes a difference!!

Have you thought of making some foam rubber bumper pads for the baby walker? Or maybe you'd be better of with some foam rubber salopettes?


27-11-03, 15:03
I'll do that Charlie

How about i just put myself in a room with ruuber all around it!!


27-11-03, 15:40
Thats fine, but you'd need to wrap the kids in it too. Mind you, it might be safer for your six year old at Xmas if he is going to keep bouncing off the walls!!!


27-11-03, 16:23
Hi all

I bruise really easily and am forever covered in them.

When I hurt my foot last year I ended up in hospital getting in x-rayed. It was a warm day so I had shorts on. The first thing the doctor said when he looked at me was "how did you get all those bruises on your legs". He wasn't so concerned about my foot that was black and blue all over! I think he thought I was getting abused too.

I have a load on my arm at the moment - no idea where I got them.

I used to take Arnica and/or use Arnica cream but apparently there was a recent report that said there was no scientific evidence to say that it does any good atall. Well I still use it anyway.


27-11-03, 16:45

I read that report too, but having suffered some "proper" bruises falling off or being kicked by my equine friends, and using Arnica regularly afterwards, I'm convinced that it improved my bruising much quicker than without!

Maybe it only works on anxious tomboys with a fear of driving who bruise for no reason?


27-11-03, 18:41
ime the same as nic,

i have permanent bruising,and scratches,all over...in fact ive just found a half decent pic of me to send nic,and guess wot? ime holding a bag of frozen peas to my knee,to take down the swelling lol..bryan.

27-11-03, 21:18
maybe we should investigate a link between bruising and anxiety!

I remember being asked at school if anyone was 'hurting me'...


28-11-03, 08:40
I was always buying creams/gels etc for everything and one was them was Arnica. I remember my partner saying it was all a load of rubbish but used the Arnica and now he swears by it!!


28-11-03, 10:17
quote:Originally posted by Lottie32

Maybe it only works on anxious tomboys with a fear of driving who bruise for no reason?

LOL - :D You could have a point there!


28-11-03, 11:43

Have you checked out the baby walker - bruise height ratio yet?

Does if fit in? If not and you can't think of any other reason, then pop to the docs.


p.s. If it makes you feel any better this is being written by a person who is avoiding going to the osteopath cos her necks gone, and she can't bear anybody to touch it!


28-11-03, 11:51

Little (kinda pinprick) bruises on my legs don't match

i will make an appointment
