View Full Version : I had a great day!

05-05-05, 16:04
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share the fantastic day I had on Tuesday as its really showing me that I'm making progress.
Firstly, it was my first day volunteering back at my old job. Was a little nervous going in, but settled in fairly quickly. I had been afraid that I couldn't do it/had forgotten how to do everything, but I'm feeling pretty good so far! It was also great because my mind was so occupied by getting stuff done that I barely thought about the consistent negative thoughts that I have been plagued with lately.
I was just on-line to share this experience with you Tues night when my friend called for a ride to the hospital---she was in labour!!!! Took her and her husband down, and 2 hours later her beautiful, amazing daughter was born, and I got to hold her when she was 15 minutes old! This experience was fantastic in 2 ways: 1. obviously, the baby!!! 2. I felt emotion!!! I've been feeling a little numbed since my meds kicked in, and this was a big boost to know I'm still capable to normal emotional responses!!!

I just have 2 mini-worries coming from this though: 1. I was feeling a mixture of happiness, excitement, fear (I could hear the screaming :( ), but overall the feeling was exactly like my acute anxiety...sweaty, a little shaky etc. Is this normal?

2. The next day at work I was a little more shaky than I was the day before. Is this because of all the excitement of the previous evening? Will this continue? I don't like the idea that such a great day will be followed by a crap day.

Thanks for listening to my ramble, any input would be appreciated!

xxx Lisa

05-05-05, 16:08
hi Lisa,

That's great news!! :) I think it's normal that you felt fear at the time as well as excitement, especially if it was the first time you were in that situation. I know I would have been a little scared too!! The way you felt was very normal so please don't worry. It's great that you have been doing well at work and feeling better. Keep it up!!

Sarah :D

05-05-05, 18:06
Hi Lisa
Glad you're feeling better, and well done on your first day back at work.
Good to know you have your emotions back.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I don't like the idea that such a great day will be followed by a crap day.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I know what you're talking about, but ups and downs are part of the recovery, and hopefully you'll have more and more "ups".
Take care.

**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

05-05-05, 18:52
i Lisa,
Well done, what a great day eh? and how well you coped. It is only natural that you felt a bit off the next day, so many emotions, scared, happy, you took complete charge of taking friend and hubby to hospital, the list goes on, and all after a day's work, wow, anyone would feel a little apprehensive after all of that - by the way i love babies......not that has anything to do with it, but i just do. take care ,keep at it and keep in touch.

05-05-05, 18:56
Well done Lisa, thats really good. I know what your saying about a good day followed by a bad.

I seem to find that sometimes it hits me that I feel good, then I start thinking that there must be something wrong or it wont last.

Go with the good feelings, the bad will get less.

Good Luck

Emma xx

05-05-05, 19:04

Fantastic news - I am so happy for you.

I bet the shakiness was due to the excitement of it all and nothing more. Bet it was a bit scary at the maternity hospital as well so that would add to it. All the worry and excitement of waiting to see the new baby and if she was going to be ok.

You are doing so well so let's hope it continues.


05-05-05, 19:55
Hi Lisa,

1, Yes excitement and fear use similar chemicals and the bodys response is similar - but with different thoughts.

2, Bits of self doubt creep in and it is normal to have swings to start with whilst you convince yourself and anchor your sucesses

Well done - keep going


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-05-05, 22:11
Hi Lisa

Pleased you had such a good day and i hope it carries on for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

06-05-05, 11:00
Hi Lisa,

Well Done glad you had a good day!

You are bound to feel a bit shakey. I get like that to I get excitement anxiety about having a good day then i get anxious incase it all goes downhill! Cant win really! LOL

Anyway keep up the good work!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X

06-05-05, 18:07
Well done Lisa on your first day back at work.

You are doing well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-05-05, 00:14
Hi Lisa

How are things going for you now. Hope aswell as they have been.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.