View Full Version : Who do you go to for help?

06-08-08, 00:52
I'm new to the board, but not new to anxiety. Who do you call for help? I know I need help, but I don't know where to go. I'm not big on doctor's, I'm willing to try meds. But it can't be lifelong, so honestly I would prefer to do this without meds. I have tried one time to talk to my doctor about this, but she literally sat there and stared at me over her glasses and didn't say a word. I felt so awkward! This was the first time I had ever been there as my previous doc had left town, so maybe it was a lot to throw on them on the first visit? I haven't been back since, but I'm running out of options here. That was the first time I had ever managed to squeak out the word anxiety to to a health professional. I'm always so ashamed and embarassed. Needless to say I'm not too thrilled about the prospect of doing it again, so hubby has agreed to come along and be my "voice"

Lately I've been obsessing over a birth mole I have on my scalp that we discovered 1 1/2 years ago and checked out by a dermatologist twice and deemed safe just 6 months ago. But I insist that it's changed since then and I can't even see the darn thing. It's near the back of my head so hubby has to check it for changes since I can't. Poor guy, he might as well call it his job! I was just crying my eyes out over it last night. And two nights before that, I was crying my eyes out because of floaters I keep seeing in my vision which I have just recently learned is a symptom of anxiety!!:doh: REALLY! I had no idea!! Anyways, those are just a few of my symptoms/worries, I have many more but I have to get up tomorrow and work! LOL!!

06-08-08, 02:51
Look up and see if there are any groups etc in your area. I am not big on doctors either. In fact I have been given the run around for treatment for many many years and I still havent gotten anywhere.
We have different services in our area that help connect you to services that can help. I am not sure if you have such a thing in your area or not?
But a trip to your doctor to rule out any causes for the anxiety may be the first step. Sometimes thyroid and other disorders can be the real problem. Either way this forum is a wonderful place for support!

06-08-08, 04:35
Do you enjoy your job? Is it very stressful?

The reason I ask is that the more stress we feel, the more our anxiety levels increase and the more we focus on health matters related to ourselves rather like a parrot in a cage who pulls his feathers out because he feels trapped and stressed.

It's not always the case though because as sensitive insecure people, when bad things happen, they often affect us more.

At the root of anxieties is normally a lack of confidence which causes us to doubt and question things making us constant worriers.

Firstly though, I would ask yourself are you feeling under a lot of stress and if so, consider ways to reduce that stress.

If you don't feel under alot of stress, then consider seeing a counsellor or a therapist, although I know over there they can be very expensive, because they could help you to understand yourself and to help you build your self confidence.:hugs:

milly jones
06-08-08, 09:43
my answer would be to see if u can find an anx suffere who does not have ha issues

the biggest help in my life and continuing recovery was finding a nmper who doesnt have sa. they have ha. we can moan and worry together, but cos out probs have slightly different focus, we can think rationally for each other. we both support each other, but do not bring each other down cos of similar worries.

my hb is ok, but hell never be able to support as another sufferer does.

one warning tho

i have 2 mates who have similar difficulties, they fuel each others fears.

i know ur country is massive but there must be sufferers close by to u for u to be able to support each other.

i also believe in meds and therapy. to try and change learnt behaviours and unlock repressed emotions.

also bill's advice as usual is spot on lol

take care

milly xxx

06-08-08, 14:00
Hello, I am from the US too and I know that there are mental health clinics in every state. Look in your phone book and there should be a section for a state mental health center. Here in Nevada they have one where you get seen by a nurse first and then a mental health doctor. The only thing I didnt like about them was that they wanted to give meds first and talk later. I do not take meds, an OCD issue. Good luck to you. If you have any more questions feel free to email me. Take care

06-08-08, 16:06
Most Health Insurance's have Doc Finders web sites. You can look up a mental health professionals in your area that way. that's how I found my Dr and Therapist :)

You can even call your Health Insurance's company and ask them for names of Doctor's in your area that specialize in Anxiety
