View Full Version : Ok, scared...embarrassing women's problems...anyone know about this?

06-08-08, 07:13
This is reaaaaallllly embarrassing, but I'm totally freaking out! I was coping ok, but them I Googled (dang it!) and got myself into a total mess.

I've been experiencing spotting on and off for a few years. I had an ultrasound and stuff done and the Doctors said everything was fine, it was probably just hormonal and not to worry. But they never did a Pap smear, because I've never been sexually active so they said I didn't need one.

Then, about a month ago I found some kind of weird...thing...in a private area and the Doctor said it's probably some kind of wart, just wait and see if it goes away. NO idea at all how that happened, since, as I said, I've never been sexually active in any way! Well it hasn't gone yet, so I was Googling about that, and it said that those kinds of things are usually caused by HPV, the thing that usually causes cervical cancer...so now, obviouslly I'm freaking out about that because I've never been tested for cervical cancer, I might have that virus and I still have the spotting....so maybe the Doctor should have made me have a test? I made an appointment for Friday, but that's not helping me to calm down right now!!

milly jones
06-08-08, 09:35
hunny if uve never been sexually active then its impossible for u to get anything.

its probably just a blocked pore, or cyst, i get them if its been hot weather. sort of like a oval pimple with a white head. ive seen gp once and he said it would go and it did.

i dont have ha, but i do understand ur fears. please try not to worry as ur gp is clearly not worried, easier said than done i know.

as to the spotting, i dont tend to get that, but i have heard that its due to hormonal imbalances. u dont mention ur age?

please try and take his advise hun.
go see him friday and put ur mind at ease.


mill xxxxx

06-08-08, 10:30
The HPV which affects the cervix is only passed through sexual contact, if you've never had sexual contact it cannot give you cervical cancer. Don't worry.

milly jones
06-08-08, 10:48
hi char, really glad weve got ur medical perspective on nmp ty xxx

06-08-08, 11:24
Oh ok, so even if it's hpv that caused the warts, that wouldn't affect the cervix?

06-08-08, 11:41
It highly unlikely that you have genital warts. Did the doctor look at it to see?
It is very very common for women to get blocked glands in her private area and sometimes they can get quite big and could for the untrained eye be mistaken for warts.
I suggest getting the doc to take a look to put your mind at rest.

Pooh x

06-08-08, 11:58
Yes the Doctor looked, and said she thought it was warts, but to wait and see if it went away. Which it hasn't yet. Btw, how will I know if I have them internally too? Could they have spread through using tampons or anything? Sorry, this is an awkward conversation, I'm just trying to understand.

06-08-08, 12:20
Sounds like a nabothian cyst to me, totaly harmless.
Or a polyp, again harmless.

I had this problem and flipped out, it went away in 3 weeks and 1month later it popped up again.

The my gyne said there is no problem.

Always see a Dr or a specialised Dr for your probs as they know best.

06-08-08, 21:37
I agree with Joyce, it could very easily be a cyst. I had one of those too, and I googled and FREAKED like you. I called the doctor and I was told it was probably a cyst and if it didn't go away in two weeks to come in. I sucked it up and didn't touch it for 2 weeks (almost went mad) and lo and behold it disappeared. It also came back a few months later and went away again in a few weeks.

Try not to worry. I always tell myself to not worry until the doctor gives me something to worry about. Too bad I can never take my own advice! LOL! You'll be okay, I doubt it's anything serious, but it's good that you're being cautious and having it checked.

06-08-08, 22:16
hey, this is something that has caused me a lot of concern lately but if you have never had sex then it deffinitly not genital herpes, so try not to worry.

06-08-08, 22:36
Hi I would go to your local gum clinic to get it checked thats the best place to go for anything like that. I find your docotrs behaviour odd because they should know either way and prescribe treatment if required. Still dont believe for a sec you have n std though how could you?

Try not to worry

Pooh x

06-08-08, 22:49
i got a cyst too. i asked them to lance it so I wouldn't have to wait for it to go away on its own. it had gotten quite big.
hope you feel better soon.

06-08-08, 23:22
OH by the way, HPV that causes warts is a different strain to the one that causes Cervical Cancer, thats a crucial fact I forgot!!

08-08-08, 06:56
I actually have had precancerous cells that needed to be removed, and they were on my actual cervix. I have never had a wart on the outside down there, so I think you should be good. Just get it checked out.

08-08-08, 07:44
I went to a different Doctor this morning, and she said she doesn't think it's any kind of wart, that would be virtually impossible. She thinks it's just glands or something, she told me not to worry about it at all. Kind of contradicts what the other Doctor said, but I'm trying to find a way to be relieved.

miss diagnosis
08-08-08, 12:01
i hear u cos cervical cancer is my big worry too
but did u know u can get a vacination against it?

HPV is sexually linked unliked the coldsore HPV so please dont worry.

U should have a smear test anyway. even nuns have to have them!. It will completly put ur mind at rest.worked for me.

09-08-08, 01:46
Thanks, I have had the vaccination. Several Doctors have told me I don't need to have the other test, so I haven't.

09-08-08, 16:41
i hear u cos cervical cancer is my big worry too
but did u know u can get a vacination against it?

HPV is sexually linked unliked the coldsore HPV so please dont worry.

U should have a smear test anyway. even nuns have to have them!. It will completly put ur mind at rest.worked for me.

The vaccination only protects against the 4 most common strands of HPV, it's still possible to contract it. Just so you know.