View Full Version : Its not gettin any easier, could really use a friend right now

06-08-08, 11:25
Hi all, its been a while since i've been on here, an thats not saying i've not needed any help, but i've been really busy movin house.

Well now that im back online i thought it was time to see if any of you lot can offer any support, me and the family moved 4 weeks ago into a lovely cottage in a quiet village and its so perfect, for the first 2 weeks i felt great having stuff to do, and the house is just what we needed.

My anxiety problems have started up again this week, ive suffered for over 3 years now, with GAD, health anx, social anx, and ive been becomming more agoraphobic in the last few months.
This week has been really hectic, we been doin stuff that i havnt done in ages, we been visiting local attractions and plenty of shopping, which i havnt done in months. Now obviously im aware that this is the reason for my higher anxiety levels, i just seem to be fighting a losing battle, when the feelings come over me, i find it so overwhelming, on monday i was close to tears because i was 50 miles from home and i had to wait around for over 2 hours on my own. The panic was unbearable, but it soon passed and i should really be taking the positives from all this, but i cant seem to hold onto the positives, all i can think about is the negatives, the bad moments.
Last nite i had my first panic attack in months, but i seemed to be able to cope with it rather than run around the house sweating and fearing death.

But this morning the anxious feelings are still here, an i keep gettin this same feeling, its like a really sudden fear just completely overwhelms me, it comes from nowhere and i cant quite put my finger on what the thought is about, but its so hard to forget about the feelings.

sorry for the long post, but its really doin my head in now, i just want to beat this, ive been tryin so hard this week at exposing myself to these stressful situations, and its making me feel so much worse, but i no in the long run i will feel better for doin it, its just really hard to keep this motivation up for doin these stress inducing tasks, when all i keep gettin is knocked back by vicous symptoms and these overwhelming thoughts.

hope someone else can relate to this, would be nice to know im not alone, btw im gettin all the normal anx symptoms too, the smothering, the bad stomach, the tension, the wobbly legs, its all happenin at the same time.

thanks for listenin :winks:

06-08-08, 11:35
Hi Billy!

Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. It sounds like you have been doing a lot ( remember moving house can be one of the most stressful things to do), and really pushing your boundaries and trying to cope with all the feelings and physical sensations of anx and pa's to boot.
Overall maybe you need to take a minute to breath and maybe take some smaller steps.

Take care

Pooh x

06-08-08, 11:36
Billy I can totally relate to where you are coming from. For weeks now I have been out there really trying to overcome the agoraphobia the shaky wobbly legs and the panic and just as I thought I was there along it came again and knocked me backwards. Like you I have still been trying to get out there and overcome the feelings but feel horrible for it. Last week I was doing things without too much panic and anx but this week they all seem so hard.

Sorry I cant be of much help but I just thought you might like to know I too am in a similar situation I guess all we can do is remember to try and hang on to the positives and not let the negatives take over, it is hard though.

I wish you well


06-08-08, 12:38
Hi Billy,

Sorry you are not feeling too great :(
Cottage in the country sounds nice :)

I have slipped back myself into anx the last couple of months but am trying my hardest to get back on my feet.... I have a couple of weeks off before a new job starts and holidays coming up so why the eck can't I shift this stupid anx?

You have had a lot on with moving, shopping, out and about etc so give yerself a break and chill for a while :)

Claire x

06-08-08, 14:07
Congrats on the new house and getting out. Maybe you did a little too much exposure therapy. Moving is stressful in itself, not to mention everything else you have been taking on. Try going at it a little slower. When we uffer from whatever ails us all we think about is getting better quick. Sometimes our bodies need time to adjust to new situations. Alaways remember that these symptoms you have stink but they will go away as soon as you get a little balance back in your life. People like us dont do well when our boats are tipped and when they are it takes a little while to get them upright again. Take some time for yourself. You have friends here.:shades:

milly jones
06-08-08, 14:12
hi billy

gosh uve done loads lately

what an achievement

whens the house warming party?

its perfectly natural to have increased anx at such a big change in ur life.

it will settle back down.

just take a step back to look at all the great things uve been doing

sit down in ur lovely cottage and take deep breaths

remember how far uve come, and that u can beat this

love milly xxxx