View Full Version : grandparents

06-08-08, 12:12
i dont know were i should put this so im sorry if its in the wrong part.

when i was 3 my grandma died, and 5 when my grandad died. and im 20 now
i do have a few memory of them.
i feel my mum and dad did the best the could for me when they died.
and it hasnt really effected me till about 2 years ago.
but lately ive been getting really upset about it, feeling really depressed cant stop crying and having panic attacks.
other people dont understand and in a way i dont understand why i get so upset when it was so long ago.
and theres nothing at the cemetery to say that they are there.


milly jones
06-08-08, 14:20
helen there are ppl to help u thru grief hunny

it could be that something has triggered memories of these events. praps something has happened that has allowed these feelings of loss to surface.

could u talk these feelings over with a gp who might be able to do a referral to a specialised service who could help u release these emotions, and thus move on.

take care

milly xxx

07-08-08, 05:39
so would my gp be able to help, i didnt think they would, i've talked abiout this with my cpn but nothing else really.
thanks for the advice milly

milly jones
07-08-08, 21:59
can ur cpn not help hun?

07-08-08, 22:10
hiya hun ......grief is a strange thing ..i lost my nan wen she was only 56 i was 13 at the tym and neva really thought much about it but now im 35 and have cried many a nyt wishing i had known her better and spent more time with her .....i havent anything at a cemetry either 4 any of my grandparents ......have u been through a tuff tym at all or feeling bit low l8tly .......I realy miss my other grandparents aswell and can cry just thinking about them .......have u spoken 2 yr GP about it ...do u have any other issues underlying that myt have brought yr panic attacks and grief on ........u dont have 2 answer hun if its 2 personnal xxxx

take care xx
love and hugs Titch xxxxx