View Full Version : Well I have made a right mess

06-08-08, 13:54
Firstly non panic related
I woke up Monday with the migraine from hell so was off work Monday and Tuesday.

Come yesterday afternoon I was having panic attacks about missing work and when i woke up this morning it hit like a brick

Despite all my affirmations and good intentions to get me to work I had a large vodka in my orange juice

Felt lousy all morning and went home at lunch for another

Feel stupid and silly now and wonder what to do

Any ideas


06-08-08, 14:21
Hey Mike

Don't beat yourself up over it, i used to take a drink and a cocktail of drugs in the morning to try and get through the day.

Problem is that it makes you feel worse instead of better. soon you will find yourself wanting to drink 24/7 just so you can do things. I find drinking makes the attacks worse, and the more you drink the more attacks you get which make you want to drink more.

Try and keep your mind occupied

Take care brother.

milly jones
06-08-08, 14:30
alcohol and panic attacks dont mix hunny

u may think it helps temporarily, but it leads to more problems.

relying on alcohol too can become a hard habit to break.

if ur ill with anx and u cant go to work then thats ok to admit. anx is an illness hunny, no different from a migraine or a stomach upset.

the more ppl that realise that the more acceptable it will become as such

take care

milly xxxx