View Full Version : Support For Greece !MUST READ!

06-08-08, 14:57
Right Guys,
On 15 August i am goin with my mum and dad ( im 13 ) to a greek island for 2 weeks. I Have anixaty and panic attaks and i am realy scared so i would love it if you would take to time to write somthing supportive on the tread that i will pront off on the 14 and take with me 2 greece and everytime I Panic i will read them. Please tell you NMP friends to sighn aswell the more the better.
Tasha xx

milly jones
06-08-08, 15:27
hi tasha

hey wish i could come with u

have a super time and try to relax and enjoy it

ur mates at nmp will all be thinking of u and waiting for the success thread when u return

just remember that this is anx, its not life threatening and u will cope. the more u worry the more u feed the anx.

try ur best to think of all the tips u have heard in nmp.

keep water to drink close to u, remember to slow ur breathing when u feel anx, and try to distract urself.

im sure that there will be loads fit blokes to keep ur eyes busy lol


milly xx

ps ive got a week in wet anglesey coming up, any tips lol

swop u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-08-08, 15:44
Did i mention that we have to stop at one airport and then fly up again !!!

thoughts and actions
06-08-08, 15:45
hi tashish

when u r reading this on the sunny island more than likely it will be raining where i am :)

hope u have a fantastic holiday and you should be sooooo proud of yourself for doing it- its a big achievement well done.

If you are feeling anxious then try telling ure mum and dad, talking to some1 or distracting ureself with some music or a good book- remember panic and anxiety comes from a fear of something?? If u tell yourself there is nothing to be scared of and breathe - you should avoid an attack- remember your body does not know if there is fear or not- it responds to signals that you do or think so if you remain calm and tell yourself its calm then your body will be calm.

Look at the beautiful scenary around you and dont rush things or let time control u- u do and say what you want and when (within reason hehe) you are in control of ure body - not the other way.

Remember sun tan lotion and stay out the midday sun!! hehe


06-08-08, 16:37
Hi Tashish

Try reading How To Cope (it's under Self Help in the main menu). Perhaps you could print this off and take it with you?
Have a lovely time :flowers:

06-08-08, 21:58
Hiiya Tashish
I think we spoke in the chatroom??:D
I was worried about going to Florida last year..thats an 8 hour flight!
But I was Okay..as long as you have something to entertain yourself with on the plane and try not to think about how your feeling too much.
Im sure you will have a great time once you get there:yesyes:
good luck:hugs: