View Full Version : Feeling down and not myself again ...

06-08-08, 18:14
Hi all, ironically today is a year to the day that I had my first (and thankfully last) panic attack and I have made great progress with the help of medication (Citalopram) and a counsellor (10 sessions) but the last few weeks have hit me hard.

I have felt wobbly, tired all the time and just wanting to sit in and do nothing, struggle to go to work etc.

Everything seems to have gone wrong and it has hit me hard and made me feel awful and depressed again even though I am on medication.

My Dad is not a well man and my Mum has to put up with a lot, my Nan is 91 and has been admitted to hospital today (after complaining for weeks of feeling low and dizzy) and she has low blood pressure - just waiting to hear from my Dad what is wrong (just walked in from work to be met with this!) and work is taking its toll and I am trying to juggle all of this as well as I live at home and have to see/listen to problems every day so it is harder.

My birthday is Friday and I cannot even look forward to it at the moment as my Dad is ill and has to put up with this stress with my Nan. Everyone at home is snappy, miserable and down as we are all stressed.

I am just finding it hard to cope at the moment so have come on here for a chat and to keep busy. I am contemplating going to the doc to see if he canup my Citalopram a little from 20mg and also contemplating going back to my counsellor to help me through this.

I feel like booking a few days away for myself by the sea where I can be alone (don't worry I am not suicidal or have any thoughts about this) and just read, relax and take in the sea air and relax a little.

Sorry to sound like I am moaning but I have always received good advice and comments on here.

Mat x

milly jones
06-08-08, 18:26
hi mat

anx has a habit of popping back just when u think uve conquered it esp when ur busy. if theres lots going on in ur life it may just be uv forgotten some of the techniques and need a recap.

lots of us have blips and as long as u try and stay positive u will learn to control it again

keep well

milly xxxx

06-08-08, 18:45
Hi Mat

As I was reading through your post I was thinking maybe you could go away by yourself for a few days just to chill. Or with friends if you didnt want to be totally alone?

Its bound to get you down with all these things going on at home, but you are doing well so best thing I can recommend is to make sure you make time for yourself. Maybe go out with a few friends or to the cinema, even if its for a few hours?

Jo xxxxx

11-08-08, 12:04
Hi all, well, I really am struggling to cope at the moment if I am being honest. My Nan is still in hospital, my Dad is still feeling down and ill and I am just not myself after a good 11 months of progress.

I am lethargic and tired all of the time, I know my BP is high and I am finding myself checking my pulse all the time. My cheeks sometimes feel numb and tingly as well and I convince myself something serious is happening when it is probably just panic.

I am struggling to go to work at the moment as I am really not enjoying it so I thought to myself this morning, that’s it – I need to get this sorted. I rang up my HR Director and asked for a chat and blurted out how I was feeling and also said I would speak to my manager later today as I have my mid year review at 2pm.

My HR person suggested taking some time off of work as leave and contacting the employee helpline for some counselling – I think I would rather pay and go back to the counsellor I was used to seeing when I first started with panic last year.

I have a doc’s appointment on Wednesday evening where I know he will tell me my BP is high (supposed to have regular checks and just didn’t bother) and I am very overweight and still smoke so maybe tablets are the best option now. I am thinking of asking him to up my Citalopram dosage as well to see if that helps.

I just simply am not coping at all at the moment, I feel light headed, confused and exactly how I felt post-panic attack last year where all I want to do is sleep and watch the TV. I feel I have taken a massive step backwards which has upset me as I had made so much progress. I just feel I have too much on at the moment with work, family problems and feeling ill myself.

I hate doing it but I do wonder if asking the doctor for a sustained period off of work sick may help me to relax or is this just a ‘get-out’?

Mat x

13-08-08, 10:58
Hi all,

Well, I wasn't feeling well and I now know why. Got up this morning and felt terrible so went to the doctor, my BP was 160/102 as I am under a lot of stress. I am sweating a lot as well.

I have been given a week off of work and put on beta blockers (Atenolol 25mg) as well as taking my Citalopram and Simvastatin.

My doctor is also sending me for blood tests and an ECG - I am now in a state of panic as I am worried about the ECG results.

I really don't feel well at all.