View Full Version : I need help.......Im going mad here Not convinced I have anxiety

06-08-08, 18:23
Hello All

Well apologies for the long post I hope I don’t bore you...................... Here it goes

4 weeks ago I was getting indigestion symptoms, Went to my GP who told me I have reflux prescribed me some PPI medications to slow down stomach acid production, however my symptoms were very vague I was constantly burping and also had a symptom like I had swallowed a bag of coins and it was stuck in my chest and throat.
I began to do some research or 'googled it' as they say and I was horrified and managed to convince myself I had a hernia, blockage or you name it I had it.
Went back to the GP a week later was tearful as explained I was fearful I had something more sinister and she reassured me that as I have not been sick or had black stools (another obsession of mine toilet checking) I was fine. I felt a bit better the rest of that day.................... Woke up the next morning and when I belched on an empty stomach I went back to my GP convinced I could taste (blood was like a metallic taste) she rested my mind that was acid and so the story ploughs on.(she did a examination of my stomach on all occasions)

It doesn’t end here, I then went on to develop a lump in the throat ........... (although I have no problems eating or drinking and do not choke on food) and the shakes more often it happens when I have just woken up and I find the simplest things that make me jump out of my skin I also have panic attacks although I don’t get the racing heart and breathlessness – I do get shoulder and neck pain, lump in the throat, upper back pain, pressure ache like in my chest/throat along with stabbing pains under my left breast, I also feel achy chest when I take deep breaths in (but no cough or anything) and I have constant worry about health no matter what I do my brain is ticking away.

I finally went back to my GP and explained I have been a wreck and she prescribed me Diazepam 2mg three times a day and also Citroplam 20mg to take. So far I have been on the Diazepam seven days only taking 1/2 to one tablet a day and seen a massive improvement hardly any reflux symptoms or chest pain or shakes. However today I tried to go without taking a Diazepam and I feel the constant worry again, I feel like im losing my mind.It feels like I have swallowed a bag of pennies and its stuck in my throat/chest. I’m completely obsessing over health and dwell on every minor ache or pain................. HELP ME
so scared


Adam Thompson
06-08-08, 19:13
hi, i have been suffering from health anxiety for two years, i get dizzy spells, chest pain, back arm, stabbing, tingling etc etc. been to a&e 3 times with suspect heart attacks, once with suspected dvt and today ive gone to my gp coz for the ;last 3 days ive had chronic numbness in my hands and am going to be tested for diabetes/ ms etc. even tho i know anxiety is responsible for at least most of these symtoms im still unconvinced its anxiety and live every day in fear of a heart attack, so i can understand your situation its a nightmare, i dont what to suggest to you just know there are others in the same boat is some consolation i guess.

good luck with everything

milly jones
06-08-08, 20:40
hi hunny

sounds like anx to me.

have u requested therapy to run alongside ur meds?

this will try and relearn ur behaviours to deal with ur fears

have u looked at nmp website under the forum on left

theres loads of sensible info on anx

also the older posts in the foum provide sound advice too

look in the top tips section for how to tackle things too

best of luck

milly xxx

06-08-08, 21:07
Every thing you have said is all connected to anx hun
I have suffered with them all at some stage and at this presant moment i have the lump in my throat feeling. You are not alone lots of us on here understand how you feel , and yes it can be very scary.
Plz stop googleing your symptoms
google always throws up the worse case senerio and will make you feel even more scared and anx/panicy
deep slow breathing will help control a lot of the symptoms. I know it aint easy but try to relax a little more about things. keep posting and we will help you as much as we can. also reAd this thread it may help you some.


take care


06-08-08, 21:31
I have had these symptoms for the past two weeks or so. Some of them constant and some just now and again. Last weekend I had a couple of beers then noticed they were no longer bothering me. If I thought about them though they were still there but less intense. The next day they were back bothering me.

What it taught me though was that I was making it worse than it was and with the aid of a little alcohol they were gone. I don't need alcohol to control them now as I've just about managed to convince myself they are just uncomfortable symptoms that will go and won't harm me.

These are symptoms of anxiety and I think you have found the same yourself- not with alcohol but with your medication. If you can convince yourself the same then you may not need the meds to take them away. They will go with time but I know that's easy enough to say as one of my symptoms is really irritating me.

By the way how is your posture? My own is very bad as I slouch on the couch instead of sitting up right. This I feel aggrivates things and gives me back pain and limb pain too.

All the best


07-08-08, 06:44
Morning Al

Guys thanks for your support......Just woken up im fine until I take me reflux pill (which is large) I moniter it and it feels like it really is getting stuck........although not sure as im now eating my bran flakes which are going down fine.................So here it starts again .........Shaking etc........ I feel like its never going to end guys.........The metal tasting burps in the morning are really freaking me out........................

07-08-08, 12:22
Hello, i can complelty compare everything you are feeling , i have dizziness/numbness in legs and arms including pins and needles. feel i cant take a deep breath burping, acid/ head aches/shoulder/chest aches pretty much everything you can think of, i have been to a&e a number of times, also have even had a ecg performed in my living room. i have all kinds of blood tests ect. and the best thing i have done is not google. not go to the drs and try and to ignore it. its reallt hard and i get upset most days because i swear my heart is going to stop beating and i will just drop down dead. when i am walking my dogs i sometimes end up crying because i think that i will bed dead soon and i wont see them or my boyfriend again. but you will get better its such a vicious circle. i really recommend cognitive behaviour therepy that it the one thing that has given me a bit of support and a way to cope well as i wont take medication. anyways sorry for the long blurb/bad spelling etc! xxx

07-08-08, 12:40
Hi all fellow burping ,gagging,etc etc members:wacko: I am not making light of our symptoms.and reading these posts is like readin a personel diary..the trip to a&e..the fear ..the awful lump in throat /chest:weep: horrible..BUT not terminal:) The more we look at it the worse it gets..try using an anti anxiety cd..it helped me sooo much with all my anxiety symptoms..even my IBS..i am stressed at the moment so all my symptoms have come back:mad: but i KNOW what they are..and WHY they are:flowers: We can support each other here:hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-08-08, 12:46
I too have many of these symptoms all the aches and pains the lump in throat ( not so much now but at one time I was convinced it was throat cancer) the acid reflux, terrible constipation and the panicky jumping when startled etc, I am just starting an anti anxiety cd course with a therapist called Tim Wells ( tim@hypnosis-sheffield.com (https://webmail.plus.net/src/compose.php?send_to=tim%40hypnosis-sheffield.com) )and so far it is helpful but you have to make sure you do it every day, I also found affirmations and reading Susan Jeffers book "Feel the fear and do it anyway" helpful...although it is a constant battle....:shades: so much of this seems to stem from learned negative thinking and self victimising...hopefully focussing on positive attitudes may help :hugs:

08-08-08, 16:37
Hello All Sufferers!!!!!!!!!!

I just wanted to ask.............Does anyone have the symtoms of Globus but when you eat they dissapear (soon to return ten minutes later)?????? Its scaring me as so many posts say that people have diffuculty swallowing I mean I dont??????????????? IS this normal I have had:

Lump in the throat (constant may I add)
Excess Burping
Cold feeling in my head which runs down my arm like cold water (only occasionally)
Constant bad thoughts that the Doctors are not listening to me
Pressure in Chest when i breath in (no cough)
Some stabbing pains under boob (mild and infrequent)
My muscles occasionally pulse - You can actually see it moving
A few times my legs have gone like jelly
My brain is ticking CONSTANLY over what is causing this...............

I have been to the DR today who checked my throat, Im convinced I have damaged my espogus........................ Why am I like something froim the freak show

09-08-08, 21:21
STabbing pains in and around left boob, mild? I have had those. I have tons of muscle pulses!!! lump in throat is TOTAL anxiety...i dont have excess burping usually, but TONS of excess gas passing...

i also have started getting flutters, ectopics, etc since my anxiety got worse...left arm soreness, lower abdominal soreness

i also get-

acid, gas, heart "issues", weakness, muscle stuff, etc etc

11-08-08, 08:30
The metal tasting burps in the morning are really freaking me out........................

I get these too :blush: plus all the other indigestion type symptoms you are experiencing and have been doing so since May this year. I've had bloods, ultrasounds and last week had an endoscopy - everything is fine and normal. Consultant said that everyone gets a chemical imbalance and this causes the problems in our stomachs - there are no known causes. I believe it's called functional dyspesia.

Carry on with the medication if it helps you relax because if we don't relax but worry, it all becomes a vicious circle.

11-08-08, 10:41
I get the pains in my left rib under too, they are like stabbing pains but been there more lately, and its getting me worried too.
Wish I didn't panic and fear the worst, but I can't help it!

12-08-08, 06:50
Morning all

Well Yesterday I had a good day - No lump in the throat...........Smiles all day........Then today BAM woken up with it!!!!!!!! When I woke up my body felt like it was shaking but on the inside...>Still I know that this is a classic sign of anxiety but why the lup in the throat!

Since I googled Im uterlly convinced I have a hernia or gerd (although my smymtoms were not helped by a month of Ompaprozole!!!!!!!

Guys does anyone out there get a constant lump in throat??? I mean all day???? I*ts is driving me insane! I try not to dwell on it or dismiss this but it is driving me crazy!!!!!!!

12-08-08, 17:37
5 months ago I had constant lump in the throat and I had it for months it now just about gone it was totally anxiety ( about my reflux!!) i had throat camera and everything:blush: Its really common I understand:winks:

12-08-08, 19:02
if your symptoms of globus disappear when eating, it is definitely just an anxiety thing! You are just being overly conscious of the way your body works (as soo many of us are!), and noticing perfectly normal things happening. Why do you think you have damaged your oesophagus? If you are really worried, your doctor may refer you for an endoscopy or barium meal, so they can reassure you more. I have had investigations like this, and am now convinced there is nothing more wrong with me than heartburn and anxiety.

I do have a hiatus hernia, but this just means the muscles at the top of my stomach don't work as well as they should, so I get acid reflux and occasionally regurgitate food when I have eaten a lot (a little like a seabird feeding their young...mmm, nice!).

Try and distract yourself and you will stop noticing these things as much. hope you feel better soon!

Cathy V
12-08-08, 19:19
Sounds like you have a classic case of health anxiety, and like alot of ppl with this it can get out of hand even with constant reassurence. Try to believe what the docs and other members are saying, that your symptoms are because of anxiety, and try to also avoid doing the endless rounds of tests that will almost certainly be negative. If your docs thought it needed further investigation they would have referred you.

Lump in throat is a very common sympton of anxiety, and caused by nothing more sinister than tense muscles, as are alot of aches and pains when we are severely anxious. I know its hard but try to stay calm and not to worry or make it your main focus in life, and if you can find other things to use up your energy it'll probably go of its own accord.

Take care xxx

13-08-08, 17:43
Hello Guys

Huge Hugs for replying you all seem so nice!

I feel I have damaged my Opspegus because I foolishly Googled symtoms and then convinced myself I have a hitis hernia.

Ive had heatburn all day, despite not feeling this all during the night it starts at work and then it starts all over again - Im always getting hearburn! So I have convinced myself that I have something wrong. Im terrified of the camera down the throat thing..................Thats a no no But defo would consider the barium thing - In fact im going to ask for one when I next visit my GP.

I feel so bad all day long, I have tried going out for walks, swimming housework etc always there tick tick tick no matter what I do, Its amazing that whist you have anxiety a simple case of heartburn is something more sinister - or is it and so it starts again x x x x

13-08-08, 19:54
This is a good one, lots of great input from everyone. I have the constant feeling I am losing control. If it's not over health, its about not continuing my college education, my recent engagement which makes me concerned about my debt, my job, what I can contribute to this relationship...I wonder every day what he is seeing in me, this crazy lady. He also has anxiety and takes medication to control it....I am not a very open person and have bottle up my emotions and worries until they explode. My family life/history also contributes to my stress.....since I was 14 (32 now), I have believed I was dying of heart failure at least 2 times a year, and have assumed I have cancer, of the throat, brain, breast, stomach, colon, etc....I wish we could erase that little part of the brain that makes me worry constantly, it would be nice to function normally again. I've put it off for 2 months, but I have scheduled and appt w/ a psychologist that I was referred to by my doctor. I Think this will help to open up and let some of the anxiety and worried thoughts out.

14-08-08, 10:16
I know I definitely have a hiatus hernia, and have had for seveal years as has my brother - terrible heartburn and indigestion, but despite all this we still haven't damaged our oesophaguses! A hiatus hernia is very unlikely to cause long term damage - your oesophagus is protected by a layer of mucus. Omeprazole and other drugs can stop excess acid being formed, thus reducing the chance of dmage even more. I don't take anyhting, though, apart from some Zantac if it is very bad. The barium meal was quite bizarre - the drink is physically very heavy - I nearly dropped it when given it! And as it is so heavy, the barium stays in the bottom of your toilet pan for a very, very long time - they don't tell you about that! I got turned upside down, told to drink and xrayed at same time, but is was all fine.

17-08-08, 08:31
Hello all Guys!

Thank you for taking time to read my posts, You are all very kind and sympathetic x x

I spoke to my GP on Friday who is going to hopefully send me for a Barium meal, which will hopefully ease my mind, But she wants me also to be tested for Helibactor plyroi (although im not worried aboout that as simply treated with antibiotics) So the suffering goes on, Stomach feels like its being squeezed, Heartburn, Shaking, Mind talking away all day long, Lump in the throat and a tight sorrta feeling OI get NO REST from this. Im so fed up.

17-08-08, 16:20
Hi Shelly

Yes I have suffered with most but not all of your symptom list. I to am on a proton pump inhibitor and I believe that some of what you describe is because of the Omeprazole. I took Omeprozole for 5 months and because of side effects had to eventually try Lansoprazole at a lower dose. I still have slight side effects attributable to the PPI but I have to put up with it as it is far better than the acid reflux. What you have to remember is that PPIs do not cure the reflux they just stop any damage from acid. So you maybe are having silent reflux. Low acid levels and silent reflux can give you the taste, chest and wind symptoms that you describe.

Ask your doctor for a change of PPi to see if another one gives you less side effects. Lansoprazole is a more modern equilavent and there are three other ones as well. If you find PPIs to much then H2 blockers such as pepcid or Ranitidine come a close second. I dont think any of these acid decreasing drugs are as innocent as the doctors or pharmaceutical companies would have us believe.
All the best

so jems like
26-08-08, 03:20
i just got panic attacks and realized i was suffering with anxiety about 4 months ago. mine also started off with an upset stomach. i couldn't eat anything, i had no appetite, and i lost about 15 pounds within 2 weeks. My stomach hurt a lot and i was prescribed medicine which helped me. But later, my throat also was bothering me and at times i thought my throat closed up on me. Now, I haven't gotten a full blown panic attack for awhile but now i have aches and pains all over. But i realized that stretching and relaxing helps a ton! I recently started going to counseling, even though i didn't need it, but it helps to just get everything out and not keep anything bottled up inside of you. I also started physical therapy where i would get my knots on my back removed and get massages. Although it's painful it just tells me that i have all this tension in my back and it feels so much better afterwards. My therapist also told me certain stretches for me to do and it helps a whole lot. The pain in my back could trigger pain in my chest area, so i encourage to stretch out and relax!

06-10-08, 20:03
Hello Guys

Been a few months since my last post.............

Wow what a difference two months on medication and a fantastic GP makes..........The lump in my throat has gone and most of my symptoms, Please guys try and tell yourself its anxiety and DO NOT TORTURE yourselves with GOOGLE.

I promise you it does get better with time and you have to believe your GP when they tell you nothing is wrong, The sooner you do this you WILL get better - Keep yourself going to work staying off sick will not help!!!!

Im telling you from experience x x x

10-11-08, 14:38
Hello All

Well apologies for the long post I hope I don’t bore you...................... Here it goes

4 weeks ago I was getting indigestion symptoms, Went to my GP who told me I have reflux prescribed me some PPI medications to slow down stomach acid production, however my symptoms were very vague I was constantly burping and also had a symptom like I had swallowed a bag of coins and it was stuck in my chest and throat.
I began to do some research or 'googled it' as they say and I was horrified and managed to convince myself I had a hernia, blockage or you name it I had it.
Went back to the GP a week later was tearful as explained I was fearful I had something more sinister and she reassured me that as I have not been sick or had black stools (another obsession of mine toilet checking) I was fine. I felt a bit better the rest of that day.................... Woke up the next morning and when I belched on an empty stomach I went back to my GP convinced I could taste (blood was like a metallic taste) she rested my mind that was acid and so the story ploughs on.(she did a examination of my stomach on all occasions)

It doesn’t end here, I then went on to develop a lump in the throat ........... (although I have no problems eating or drinking and do not choke on food) and the shakes more often it happens when I have just woken up and I find the simplest things that make me jump out of my skin I also have panic attacks although I don’t get the racing heart and breathlessness – I do get shoulder and neck pain, lump in the throat, upper back pain, pressure ache like in my chest/throat along with stabbing pains under my left breast, I also feel achy chest when I take deep breaths in (but no cough or anything) and I have constant worry about health no matter what I do my brain is ticking away.

I finally went back to my GP and explained I have been a wreck and she prescribed me Diazepam 2mg three times a day and also Citroplam 20mg to take. So far I have been on the Diazepam seven days only taking 1/2 to one tablet a day and seen a massive improvement hardly any reflux symptoms or chest pain or shakes. However today I tried to go without taking a Diazepam and I feel the constant worry again, I feel like im losing my mind.It feels like I have swallowed a bag of pennies and its stuck in my throat/chest. I’m completely obsessing over health and dwell on every minor ache or pain................. HELP ME
so scared


I have just read this post and I can't believe it is exactly all the things I was going through a few weeks ago. I was also jumping out of my skin at silly things and every noise seemed very loud - I thought I was going out of my mind. I also noticed that smells seem stronger when I am anxious and that makes me nauseous - wonder if anybody else has noticed this? I am sat here now and can smell a vague fishy smell and kept wondering what it was and it's the cuttlefish bone in the budgie cage a few feet away from me - I've not noticed the smell before.:unsure: