View Full Version : Tired of panic attacks

06-08-08, 20:50
I am a 47 year old female who has suffered all my life with panic and anxiety attacks. For many years i have been able to lead a pretty productive life . Due to much stress in my life over the last three months my panic is back with a vengence. I am in therapy and taking medication but feel totally helpless. I am scared to death.I want to feel normal Please offer any suggestions, ina

06-08-08, 20:58
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

take care

06-08-08, 21:35
Hello Ina you will find a lot of help and support here. I'm new too and I try to log in every day. Panic and anxiety can be very tiring. Dont give up. Jane

milly jones
06-08-08, 21:50
hi ina

welcome to nmp

u are normal hunny

just like all of us here

u just got probs with anx

u can control them again

please keep posting

love milly xx :hugs:

07-08-08, 12:21
Hello Ina And Welcome To The Site, Like You Said Many Yrs You Felt Fine And You Will Again ,just Keep Taking Those Steps Slowly And One Day You Will Get Back There ,i Wish Ya Well, Linda

07-08-08, 22:19
Hi Ina

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

09-08-08, 00:09
Hi Ina,

Welcome to NMP. Many here understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


09-08-08, 11:50
Hi Ina

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

09-08-08, 13:37
Hi Ina,

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of friendly people here who will understand how you feel, and offer good support.

09-08-08, 16:01
I welcome you to the site. I have suffered for over 25 years - am menopausal at the moment and the symptoms have got worse. No on any meds just take Kalms and rescue remedy spray and try to carry water bottle with me everywhere. My worst situation is shopping centres,supermarkets,restaurants,cinema etc. Went to my daughters graduation last month and had to sit by the door away from my family as I had a panic attack and felt dizzy and faint and hyperventilated a lot. I am so upset about this - I try to eat out and visit places etc and will mostly do these things but have to sit on the end of a row in a cinema or near a door - and my husband,though loving and kind, gets very frstrated and thinks I should be able to combat this!!! Have tried CBT but waste of time. i find this site one of the most valuable things in helping me cope coz we are all in the same situation and you can be anonymous!! Good luck in your life coping.Wenjoy x

18-08-08, 12:41
hi i am like yourself i suffer from very bad panic attacks and all i ever get from my family is pull your socks up and get on with it. but its very hard as i cant even go out as i start to cry everytime my wee boy who is 11 wants togo down town so in the end his dad takes him. i feel very guilty that i cant go out with him. i hope you start to feel better very soon all the best celticlass62 xx

18-08-08, 18:05
Hi ina

Welcome to nmp:)
There is no magic answer to panic attacks. One suggestion is to see them through and do not think you are going to die!
They are terrifying I know, I have them myself.
If you read the problems/Issues on the lefthand pane, you will see the title, Panic Attacks. The information is very helpful. Perhaps you may get an understanding of what is happening to your body. Under the circumstances, what you are experiencing is all perfectly normal. Pm me anytime about your panic, if you wish, I can then explain how it makes me feel.
Hope this helps. Remember you are not alone with this illness.
Take care.

18-08-08, 18:40
Hi and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x