View Full Version : Face Touching

06-08-08, 21:18
Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this as it's not a symptom as such but I just wanted to see if anyone is doing the same as me. At the moment my face is quite taut and the muscles feel very tired. Sometimes, like now, my face feels so tired that the muscles are just going to seize up.

Anyway I have come to realise that I have got to be touching my face for some reason and I think this is the cause. When I sleep I always have one hand on my face or head. When I sit I'm always supporting my head by pressing a finger, or fingers, into the side of my head. It's very strange behaviour but for some reason I feel ill at ease if my hand is not on my face.

All the best


milly jones
06-08-08, 21:31
we all have comforting behaviours

touching ur face is an acceptable one

i used to skin pick at my face

that was less so

id have scabs all over esp around my eyebrows

i control it now

but if im anx it comes back

milly xxx

06-08-08, 21:39
Yes Milly it's definitely my comfort blanket. The sleeping is OK but when I am sitting I really press my fingers in hard to my face which I think are causing all kinds of weird sensations so I'll have to try to knock it on the head. My wife has also noticed that when I get anxious I grab the skin under my chin or hold my throat.

All the best


milly jones
07-08-08, 20:25
ooowweerr, i do that when im v anx, sort of try and strangle myself.

messed up my meds this week, and guess what, face picked again, on my chin arrrgggg

mill xxx

07-08-08, 20:39
It would seem we just can't help ourselves but at least its harmless. :D

all the best


milly jones
07-08-08, 20:57
cept i look like iv got chicken pox hun

i must try and control it before it gets any worse or infected

ty for ur contact xxx