View Full Version : worried of being on BP med

06-08-08, 21:38
Hi there I just started taking bp medication today beta blocker been dizzy so docs trying to find out whats causing it. been on a heart monitor so cardiologist found normal ruthms but fast beats so he wants me to take the beta blocker. but i off of work and i'm not anxious. but feel blaa i don't want to take my bp to see if its too low. cause if it is then i might get anxious. anyway just wanted to see if anyone else is on blood pressure meds and feel like your blood pressure is to low or your pulse is to low. feel like i don't want to do anything. thanks for your help


06-08-08, 22:52
i thought you meant "bi-polar" meds.

06-08-08, 23:38
Yea , I'm on BP meds Ramipril, also on 360mg Slozem (calcium chanel blockers) to control Heart rate and BP 'cos I can't take Beta blockers
If your pulse is too slow, your Doc. will adjust the Beta blocker dosage.If you feel faint eating a packet of salty crisps should bring your BP up a bit.


07-08-08, 07:42
My doc put me on meds for blood pressure.....................it was sky high!

It did feel a bit odd at first but all the weird feelings wore off after a couple of days. The Beat Blockers do slow down your heart rate, my averages at a steady 50 to 55 beats a minute, and the Lisinipril drops my blood pressure. I'm not on a very high dose 10mg, but it works for me.

At first I didn't take them, I was scared, but now I have been taking them for a while and I have to say I feel a whole lot better. I wish I had started sooner.

Try taking them in the morning and sit for a short while. Don't rush around straight after you have taken them, take it easy for a litle while.

My anxiety is still in the background, mainly health issues but nowhere near as bad as before. I no longer get those horrid surges of adrenalin and the really bad feelings of utter panic.

Hope you start to feel better

07-08-08, 07:52
thanks i'm feeling ok guess i'm still wondering if its gonna drop to low. but i'll try not worry about it. i wish i could take 10mg but 25 is the lowest dose for my med. thanks again for your input.