View Full Version : dizziness

06-08-08, 22:25
hey, lately i seem to really be suffering from dizzinessi tend to get dizzy at least once a day sometimes more frequent. i tend feel off balance and light headed just wondered what you thought the cause might be? or could it really be anxiety?
please reply ASAP
love louise

06-08-08, 22:36
Anxiety can cause lightheadedness its one of the most common symptoms but I am wondering if you have any neck problems as I have badly damaged neck and have had constant unsteadiness and sudden vertigo for years because you neck has balance receptors in them. This is one reason for anxziety causing dizziness as tense neck muscles from whatever reason can make you dizzy,
Also a myraid of inner ear problems can cause it so its always worth getting your ears checked out as well.
Its one of those symptoms that impacts severely on your life but can have such a large list of causes its often difficult to pin down. If its really interfering with your life then go through the motions of having all the tests to check it out.

06-08-08, 23:02
yes for me too i've been dizzy too been on meclinzine for week know it helps if i keep taking it every 6 hours. but i also started beta blockers today and that my be making me dizzy too. This is how my anxiety all started because of getting dizzy spell and it would then progress into panic attacks. anyway dizziness is the worse feelings, the neuroligist says its an inner ear problem so i'm see an ent to see more test done next week. wish it would just go away.
take care

06-08-08, 23:03
Hello, just wanted you to know I suffer from the same thing at this time. It is anxiety and one of the hardest and longest symptoms to make disappear. I am slowly getting better from this, although I still have some days where I feel as though I am going to fall over at any moment. It will get better. The one thing I learned from this symptom is that you can not let it scare you even though it does. It will make it orse. I spent alot of time in my bed and at the ospital all to be told it was anxiety. Not sure if this helps but if you have any questions, please ask, I will help as much as possible. Take care.:hugs: