View Full Version : worried am pregrant

06-08-08, 22:57
hi every one ,sorry to disturb,but am going out of my mind .i had sex with my boyfriend on the 24 july ,we used a condom .he did not climiax in me.after we had sex i was so worried i was pregrant so took the morning after pill.My boyfriend thinks am worrying for nothing and says why worry just wait.i cant the anxiety is driving me crazy.i am now really worried that he condom spilt because i didnt check,although my boyfriend didnt mention anything.i have had to phone in sick to work for the last three days because i cant think of anything else.i been consumed by these thoughts.i cant sleep ,my boyfriend is moving to newzeland at the end of the month to do a masters.i m scared ,i know its sounds stupid but all i can do is worry ,i cant eat ,sleep my mind cant switch off.thanks guys for listening

06-08-08, 23:10
Hi there

Why not take a pregnancy test if it is causing you this much distress. They can detect things really early now with new tests.

It will ease the worry anyway.

Chances are if you have take the morning after pill it is HIGHLY unlikely you are pregnant so get it checked as you are stressing out unncessarily here and can easily find out.

06-08-08, 23:28
IT has been 2 weeks since you had sex, a pregnancy test would be accurate by now, I would take one. The Morning After Pill can mess up your period and make you even more anxious.

06-08-08, 23:44
Hi Siobhain. Lets look at the reasons against the likelyhood of you being pregnant. NUMBER ONE: you used a condom NUMBER TWO: he did not climax inside you NUMBER THREE: you took the morning after pill. Its amazing how we get ourselves worked up like this! Im like that every once and a while even if we have been careful. I actually convince myself I'm pregnant even though I'm not. Do yourself a favour and get a pregnancy test, one of those first response ones and see for yourself in black and white. If you can't look at the test ask a friend or a family member to look. I doubt if you are as from what you have said went on, the chances of you being pregnant is extremely slim/non existant.

06-08-08, 23:59
Ah yes if he didn't ejaculate inside you there is like slim to nil chance you are preganant. Pre-ejactulate does not contain sperm as long as your partner had urinated anytime between his last ejaculation and the time you had sex. :)

07-08-08, 10:35
thank you so much guys .Just because i didnt check am now convinced that the condom split .keep telling myself that the morning after pill is not 100 per cent effective and i will be one of the people it fails to work.Many Thanxs guys for your comments

07-08-08, 10:35
Rather than looking at the anxiety over a pregnancy, lets look at the cause..

Your Boyfriend is moving to Newzealand...this must be causing you to be upset and weather you feel it or not your brain is stressed and its trying to tell you.

So the stress is coming out as irrational anxiety, you will need to address the stress over your Boyf leaving rather than the pregnancy worry....us telling you it's impossible or very unlikely you are pregnant is only a short term cure for you.

Trust me your brain is stressed and will find another Irrational thought for you then the nasty cycle of assurance will start... Nip this in the bud.

Good luck, I know you will be just fine x x x

07-08-08, 10:36
I have had this all before, hug to you ok!

milly jones
07-08-08, 20:08
aw hun i have this all the time

i tried to get help on another thread

i too worry each month that im pregnant.

rationally i know its impossible really, but it doesnt stop the worry.

i have been like this for so long now.

ive tried the pill but it makes my mood worse.

in the daylight i know the truth, but in the night time pas is excruciating.

i do understand hun

milly xxxx

miss diagnosis
08-08-08, 11:50
hi hun

i went through this exact same thing for nearly 8 years.
I got pregnant unxpectadly when i was 20 and the father didnt really want to know.so it was quite traumatic.

Anyway i digress..

I spent the next 7 years constantly in fear that i pregant.
I remember once even after two negative tests, a period and the fact that i had used condoms and the pill i was still convinced. i used to be in tourmoil every month
until my period arrived and even then id think it was "breakthrough" bleeding.

Im with my new partner 5 1/2 years and only in the last two months have we stopped using withdrawel with the pill. Now i just use the pill and im not pregnant yet.
however im now of the belive that it wouldnt be the worst thing in the world! im 28 now and in a stable relationship.

Anyways thats my story.Pm me anytime.

Also not to freak u out as im sure you are not but have u gotten ur period since u took the MAP? its suppossed to come withhin a day or two. I took the MAP and got pregant but iwas carrying twins and it was one of those FREAK things!

08-08-08, 20:47
thank you everyone for taking the time to reply.still waiting for period.thanxs for listening and not calling me stupid or crazy like all my friends.trying to make it through the next few days but am not doing a good job.really reassuring to find out am not the one who worries like this,thanks so much guys

08-08-08, 21:13
Take a test its the only way to know and if you are then you will be fine, you will deal with it.

I am sure you are ok, its probably unlikely you are pregnant.

milly jones
13-08-08, 22:31
how u doing hunny?