View Full Version : oh no !!!

06-05-05, 10:30
I cant believe what i have done, i posted my job application form off yesterday, my cousin who is an english teacher helped me write the the part where it says tell us about you and why you want the job, as im useless at putting things into words, only what have i gone and done, only put her piece of paper in with my application,,,, DUH,,,
im in a right flap now, well thats that job out of the window straight away

kairen x

06-05-05, 10:36
oh no Kairen - might they not just think that her piece of paper is just your scrap piece of paper? :D

06-05-05, 10:39
well it was an A4 peice of paper and i just copied it all down i mean i didnt lie its all true just our jane has a way of putting things down really well

feel like every thing i touch at the moment is going wrong

kairen x

06-05-05, 10:53
I am sure they will see it as your rough notes before writing it on to the official form so don't panic just yet ok?

At least it shows that you thought about what to write before doing it!


06-05-05, 10:54
Don't worry hun they might just think you had practiced out writing it first and realise you had put in in accidentaly. Fingers crossed for you!

Take Care,

Love PIP's

06-05-05, 13:35
Hi Kairen,
Agree totally with the others, lots of people write out rough notes before filling in forms etc... common practice, i know most of my mates do and me. take care.

06-05-05, 14:45
thanks everyone, i have calmed down now think i was just having a bit of a flap, couldnt believe id done that, not quite myself this week LOL, but getting there.....

cheers xxx

kairen x

06-05-05, 15:19
The scrap bit may never get to the person reviewing all the CV's.

I used to just get a pile of CV's without the covering letters initially, so I couldn't be influenced by anything other than the stark facts.

Hope it goes ok for you.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

06-05-05, 22:52
Hi Kairen

It's maybe not an ideal situation, but no doubt you'll have a good laugh about it one day. So, that's something positive I guess :).

Don't worry about it, we all do stupid things from time to time. You never know, you might even get the job too. What a bonus that would be, a job and a good laugh!


07-05-05, 00:11
Hi Kairen

These things happen and i am sure they will see it more as how you have prepared rather than messed it up.

That might give you a better starting point. Dont worry about it until you hear back and i am sure they will have had a lot of replies that they have had to read that they really didnt want to, as with all job applications. Yours is probably a refreshing change to what they usually recieve.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.