View Full Version : Anxious before sleeping?

07-08-08, 06:23
I get really anxious about sleeping sometimes, I seem to have this problem when I'm especially tired, to the point of where I get anxious when tired, and thus make it a point to try to not get tired.

I'm particuarly iffy at the point 'of' falling asleep, for some reason I absoultely HATE the feeling of being sucked into sleep, like a void. Just that feeling of unconciousness coming to claim you.

It's worse if my mind is still fairly awake but my body's tired and I can feel my body sinking into sleep but my mind's awake. It doesn't bother me most days because I'm thinking of something or the other and then drift off without noticing, but it does bother me when I notice that I'm drifting off to sleep conciously. I just really don't like that sort of "I'm going unconcious and I feel it" feeling.

I guess this comes from when I was little and I used to be afraid of dreaming--which is the complete opposite of me now, I enjoy dreaming but still find it a little unnerving to actually fall asleep because I dream so vividly and don't know what adventures await me during the night.

Anyway I was wondering if I was just crazy or if anyone else was like this? And what to DO about it? It's an extremely irrational fear. O_o

Venus Calling
07-08-08, 07:41
This happened to me last night. After only having had 5 hours sleep the previous night, I went out of my way to be busy during the day to tire me out a bit more. Went to bed as usual after going through my relaxation cd and at the point of actually falling asleep I panic and wake up. It didn't help that I had chest pains I couldn't get rid of either. I've been up all night and in an hours time I've been awake for 24 hours. I don't even know if I am tired or not - which sounds stupid. It's not the first time it's happened and I have no solution either! Just thought I'd let you know you're not alone. :)