View Full Version : Felling a wreck this week

07-08-08, 07:23
Sorry to moan but people here are the only ones that understand how im feeling. Im having a really bad week and a really bad morning again. I woke up this morning feeling calm and started panicing straight away. I feel like i cant get enough air in, i take really deep breaths in as far as i can and it make me worse. Its a stupid thing isnt it but i cant help it so im a jibbering wreck at the minute.
ve been getting a numbish feeling for the last few weeks too in the side of my face and arm. I asked my gp about it and he says its most likely panic causing it, but if somethings going to happen it will and nothing will stop it!! so when i come out of my doctors surgery i feel worse thinking to myself omg whats going to happen to me.
I even usually feel a little better when the hubby goes out so that i can panic in private...i cant let go properly in front of him i try to hold back cos he doesnt really understand eventhough he tries too bless him. Im full of cold too and that makes me panic because of course i think it wil develop into something else a lot worse. Im due back to work on monday after 4 weeks on the sick for anxiety and im not looking forward to that.
Just want some reassurance really...

07-08-08, 08:23
Aww les,

Sorry you're feeling so lousy this morning hun, you probably feel you're not taking enough air in because you have a cold hun, sniff some albas oil or take some sudafed to clear your airways you'll probably feel much better.
As for your gp, well he was a big help wasn't he...........not.
Put it down to an off day, we all get them hun, go and have a warm bath and have some lesleya time.
As for work, i find being back in work a big help as i'm too busy to think about anx or panic, the thought of going back will be worse than actually going back, nobody likes to go back to work after a weekend off, so after being off for four weeks its no wonder you're having a bad day with the thought of going back.

Besides its only thursday, try not to think about work until sunday.

Hugs to you hun

di xx

07-08-08, 08:40
Thanks di
Your probably right the cold is making me really hot and out of sorts then the thought of a return to work is enough to put me into a pa...so maybe its time for a change of job as i cant carry on like this.
Thanks for taking the time to reply hun i appreciate it.

07-08-08, 08:53
Just sending you some big hugs hun
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:
I hope you feel better soon
I think the cold you have is makeing you feel like you cant breath right,
do what di has suggested and also get a big bowl put hot water in it and put your head over it with a towel and do some nice deep breaths and let the steam get into your airways. it will open them up and make breathing easier.
do this a few times a day, i swear to you it helps.
I think if your job is making you panic so much then maybe a change is needed like you said.
thinking of you
take care


07-08-08, 13:22
Thanks kellie.
I think yes it has to be the cold, because ive just been round the corner to the local shop and the sweats pouring out of me i could wring my clothes out...and i feel wick. I wasnt like this yesterday..i was at the doctors getting my signing off note as im due back to work monday but at this rate if i still feel like this i wont make it.
If my mate was still alive she would have kicked my ass, given me a good talking too and made me laugh at myself for being a wimp...bless her, she understood how i felt because she suffered pa and anxiety herself for years..she died 3 yrs ago and i miss her terribly.
This is for me:buttkick::buttkick::buttkick::buttkick:

milly jones
07-08-08, 19:10
hi les

we always feel bad with a cold, all the population. add anx to that and its tough hunny

if ur not well monday cos of ur cold then ur not well

please dont beat urself up ((hugs))

milly xxxx

ps if it is work like mine is, u may have to consider changes too xxx

07-08-08, 21:42
I could always come and kick your ass for you hun, you just need to ask me lol
We all have our days where we think it is something more than it is and you are entiiled to have em too
wait the cold out and try to have as much rest as you can untill it gone
You will feel better soon. Im sending you some lemsip, tissues, chocolate, a pillow a quilt and a chick flick
No beer as you are ill lmao
take care.xxxxxxx

08-08-08, 07:54
Cheers milly and kellie - im not going to push myself back to work like you say.
I awlays feel guilty when im off sick because im not pulling my weight and others are having to do my job...but im not going to beat myself up over it if im not well monday then...blow it.
Feel free anytime to kick my butt i need it...lol
:hugs: :hugs: