View Full Version : sister of an agoraphobic brother needs answers!

07-08-08, 08:21
i joined this site because my family is running out of answers my bro is an agoraphbic who can not leave our home and he is getting worse. He has a solid group of friends that come over all the time however they are going off to college in a matter of weeks and i fear this will only cause him to worsen even more. he has gone through many psychologist but he is very selective. any advice would help... is there any type of facilities that he can go to get treatment??

07-08-08, 08:27
Hi jess,

And welcome to the site hun, is your brother a member on here? this site alone will help him, with all the advice and information, and also the encouragement of others like myself, who has recovered from agoraphobia. Your brother needs to go out every single day, even if its to the garden gate, its got to be little steps at a time.

best wishes

di xx

07-08-08, 12:10
Hello Jess And Welcome, I Dont Think Theres Facilitys For This, Has Your Brother Ever Had Cbt? And Like Di Said He Has To Do This..take Smalls Steps And Stay With It Everyday I Am A Recovered Agraphobic And Many Are And Can Be, You Just Have To Take Those Steps And Stay Positive, I Wish Ya Luck And To Ya Brother ,look Into Cbt If You Havent Already.....linda

07-08-08, 12:18
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here, you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. baby steps are the way to go hun, your brother need to help himself along with the support of his family.
He needs to want to do this and stay positive as he goes.
what are baby steps?
start of by him just going to the gate for 10 seconds and then going back in
then go to the gate for a little longer ect ect
untill he can get out of the gate for a few seconds
thats what baby steps are, they can lead to much bigger ones.
how old is your brother and does he know what has triggered this?
keep posting and we will help and encourage him as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs:


07-08-08, 14:48
Hi jess and welcome, you are already getting lots of good advice from members, well done on seeking help, xxx

milly jones
07-08-08, 18:50
hi jess

firstly welcome to nmp

secondly how lovely u are to want to help ur brother

im not agoraphobic, but plenty on nmp are hunny

why not encourage ur brother to join nmp too?

milly xxx

07-08-08, 22:15
Hi Jess

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help