View Full Version : 2 good weeks and now scared again

07-08-08, 09:27
Hi - I've had two good weeks since my oral surgeon confirmed all was ok with my teeth and gums but all of a sudden have got myself back into a blind panic again. I have a tender spot on my jaw, right hand side, on the straight bit and it's been there for a while. I'd assumed it was all to do with my gums etc but now they're ok, why is that still there? It hurts to the touch rather than aching from within (if that makes sense). I do sometimes wake up and find that I've been biting on my finger during my sleep so that might be it but it's not on the joint but a bit further along. Am very worried in case I have something horrid causing the pain so if anyone can offer any help, I would be very grateful........thanks for reading.


07-08-08, 11:58
Well i had pain once, you have many muscles in that area and I was clenching my jaw and didn't know it.

I had sore spots due to jaw clenching, does it feel a bruise or a sore worked our muscle??

07-08-08, 13:02
Hi - thanks for replying :D

and feels tender to the touch - more like a bruise might feel but hard to say when in the grip of HA:blush:.


07-08-08, 13:12
I have tmj syndrome and I have had this on and off for many many years - its as if you should have a huge bruise on your jaw but nothing is there and it only hurts if you touch it - mine can be on the straight bits or it can be on the corners of my chin bone if you know what i mean. It can last up to a week with me then goes away. As I have had it for 20 yrs assume its nothing to worry about.

07-08-08, 13:15
thanks country girl - that's really helpful and I suspect that is what is going on with me (given the bite marks I have on my finger when I wake up sometimes - how wierd is that!). I'm pre-menstrual too so that always spikes my anxiety! Will have to remember your wise words!

thanks again,