View Full Version : constipation ~ reflux ~ anxiety

07-08-08, 11:22
I have been a long term sufferer with constipation and anxiety, I recently developed acid reflux and have incurred some damage as a result. ( I am on nexium and have been now for 9 months)...I want to do a low carb diet because I know it works well for me weight wise and I also think it will help my reflux HOWEVER I am always struck down by terrible constipation when I go low carb and I get very scared about the toxins Im absorbing...tied in with the anxiety about reflux it makes for very difficult times the resultant anxiety is bad for the reflux and the constipation and my general health....PLEASE can someone tell me how to manage this ? I need all the help I can get. I am terrified of getting bowel or oesophagal cancer:shrug:

07-08-08, 11:49
I'm not sure I can offer any advice but I would be interested in the replies you get. I suffer with my digestive system since having my gall bladder removed. Sometimes I get awful indigestion and bloating as well. And I don't know what part fo the meal has cuased it. One day I can eat something and be fine and the next I am in pain. I used to love food but now I just see it as a means to survival because I can't seem to enjoy it the same anymore.

I am also scared about the bowel cancer abut also really any cancer that affects your digestive system. I am at a loss and being only 30 Drs won't entertain the idea something serious can be wrong because of my age. Just nervous indigestion blah blah blah.

07-08-08, 11:55
Sure, you will need to drink 6 - 8 glasses of water a day.

I feel though you should still eat fruit even if you are worried abour carbs as they have lots of vits and minerals as well as fibre ( for good bulky stool )

Also if have some natural senna handy just in case you need to use it, make sure you don't rely on senna as this will make your constipation worse so READ the label and always talk to your Dr.

I'm not sure but does, Licorice ( spelling ??) have too many carbs for you??
It's great to munch on.

you can also try colonic irrigation, again speak to your Dr

Good luck

07-08-08, 11:58
I find the drs really unhelpful to be honest, all they say for constipation is fybogel and often its so bad I have to use laxatives to get free as Im so panicky about rubbish backed up inside me. The GE specialist I see is not interested in talking about anything outside his particular area ( ie the oesophagus and stomach) so Im kind of left floating in the middle. I will however up my fruit intake...thanks so much for taking the trouble to reply everyone ....does anyone know if anxiety causes constipation ?

07-08-08, 12:03
6-8 glasses of water a day will make a huge diff!

You can also buy natural psyillum husk, but make sure you drink water along with it.

And yes anxiety does cause constipation:blush:

07-08-08, 12:05
Yes it certainly can cause constipation without a doubt. ANd the more you worry about not going the less likely you are to go.

I find that nuts and grains help with my motions! Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds etc have really helped.

And fruit is great for getting you going but sometimes I find it can make me windy, especially dried fruit!

I know what you mean though, I often find that Drs want to give actual medication rather than natural solutions. I had that fybogel stuff and it really made me windy, my guts were churning and making really loud embarrassing noises!

07-08-08, 12:16
ps I have tried colonic irrigation a couple of times but the last time it was really quite uncomfortable so I havent been again.....

07-08-08, 12:18
hello:hugs: oh yes anxiety causes IBS..which i would thi nk you have by the sound of it hun..i have had it for 23 years now:scared15: so it doesnt kill you and it doesnt mean you have cancer..i was checked for both ..both ends:blush: Now the reason the food caused probs one day and not another is [in my opinion]because it is not the food it is our stress levels,,if you are tense you cant digest food properly..this leads to acid and bloating ..constipation or/and the runs!!!Some foods are obviously acidic..tomatoes, onions oranges etc..oh and pork too just in case you didnt know..Carbs wont make it worse ..but i cant eat white bread it sticks like a stone in my tum!I too am overwieght [and then some!!!]i truly believe it is not the way forward to cut out or down too heavily on one food group..try to aim for a healthy balance..friut can be quite acidic at times hun.so dont go overboard on it..veg is wonderful ..some create wind tho ..cabbage, cauliflower even onions can make you bloat so have these in moderation..i love green beans ,broccolli,peas..oh all of it:D Keep a food diary too..if you have a bad day you can see what may have triggered it ,but i think it is all to do with our stress and anxiety..soooo many of us on here suffer with the same symptoms have the same tests take the same meds ..it cant be coincidence:flowers: Aim to eat healthily a little and often ..maybe 5 small meals even..as for weight loss its cals in, energy out..simple..the cals in carbs are the same as the cals in lettuce..ever seen a thin elephant:roflmao: Good luck hun..here if you want to compare notes.love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-08-08, 12:18
Thanks again both of you ! I am trying an anti anxiety cd at present ( only just got it this week ) to try and relax so hopefully that with water and fruit may help all round....

07-08-08, 12:21
Wow thanks Paddie....actually thats an enormous relief...you begin to feel like you are the only person who gets all these things at once..frankly it leaves me feeling so tired and down that I dont feel like doing anything then I just sit around and get stressed out and then cant sleep....I used to be so fit and now I feel like a stressed out bloated pain ridden blob !

07-08-08, 12:24
hun this will make such a difference ..i used paul mkennas cd and it helped me loads..only just made the connection :wacko: wondered why the constipation Got better..DUH!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

07-08-08, 14:20
hun this will make such a difference ..i used paul mkennas cd and it helped me loads..only just made the connection :wacko: wondered why the constipation Got better..DUH!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

which cd is that ? what is it called please Paddie ?:hugs:

07-08-08, 23:12
I like the description "stressed out bloated pain ridden blob" - talking about me are you??:D