View Full Version : feel as if im gonna explode

07-08-08, 14:22
Right i hope i am not the only one like this, but since last thrsuday i have been not eating well and feeling really tired and been having a dull pain on the left side of the chest where my heart is, so i have been so worried what it could be and everyday i seem to worry about this and it causes me to not want to leave the house and i have had to take a week off work :( i went to my GP on monday and i had a blood test on tuesday, i am still waiting on the results that i will get tomorrow but its killing me as i cant even settle at all!
:( i cant even sit in one place for too long before i am really unsettled and i am continously feeling my heart to make sure its ok :( ok i sound really strange but i am scared, I went to hospital on both tuesday and wednesday nights as i was soo worried and they did an ecg and it was fine, my bp was fine but it still didnt make the problem go away and its killing me, i am really worried about my blood test results but i dont understand why i have no appetite :( its scaring me and its the same thoughts everyday since last thrusday i neeed some advice on what to do? i just want to be me again..... help!

07-08-08, 14:39
Hi I guess the not eating is due to being so worried, I know how hard it is, I was once admitted with similar symptoms and mine was anxiety I found it very hard to believe but the proffessionals were excellent and said they didnt mind how many times I went if it helped, I dont know what to advise, could you try ringing GP and see if results are back, sometimes they tell you one day but may be back earlier, or go again and have another talk.
Hope you feel better soon, xxx

07-08-08, 14:47
i called them and they said it hasnt been looked at by the doctor yet so i will ave to wait until tomorrow.....sorry i am just sooo worried :(
i feeel i cant be me anymore....

07-08-08, 14:55
It sounds like its back then but just not seen by GP, if it goes to the hospital first, or do you mean it gets done at surgery,dont be sorry, you are obviously worried!!
cant you go to surgery and see someone,

08-08-08, 10:43
yea it comes from the hospital and then to the surgery i still have to wait another 5 hours! for the results, will the blood test results show why i am not eating?

08-08-08, 11:03

The first time i came down with anx i did not eat at all and lost like 2 stone. I just felt sick all the time. And because i was not eating i felt tired all the time.

Take Care

08-08-08, 12:23
how long did u feel like that with anixety?
and was it all the time?
mine is worse from afternoon till i go to bed :(

milly jones
08-08-08, 12:29
hun anx takes away some ppls appetite

i lost 6 stone over 4 months

im on meds now and eating much better

i know that stomach churning feeling of not knowing what's going to happen next

hope u recieve news from doc soon hun, that will ease ur worry too


milly xxxxx

08-08-08, 12:38
just to let u all no i had the results back and it seems all normal, i hope this will make me feel better

08-08-08, 14:22
Hi glad the results are normal, now you must try to eat even if only small amounts, are you being treated for anxiety?