View Full Version : Old habits die hard.

06-05-05, 20:28
Right, here goes,
Next week our 15 year old is in his school cup final, playing over the Arsenal Stadium wow! Hubby does all the footie stuff all season, and i guess it's now mumsie's turn or maybe not. Oh dear.I so much want to go, but recently have only done minor little outings, that don't matter if i have to return home, which i have done on a few occasions,My main problem is dizziness, which i can cope with to a certain extent, but sometimes, not daily, the dizziness seeems to be so powerful that it still scares me so much and i have to go home, which i know i can't do over footie. Maybe i shouldn't have said anything, 'cos if i can't do it i'll feel even more of a failure, by the way, hubby will be going and nobody has even mentioned it to me, i think they have all become used to me staying at home, i used to like a challenge, whats going on though?

06-05-05, 20:37
hi Carlin,

The way you're feeling is very normal hun. Anxiety/depression have the tensency to take away our desire to do anything. The good thing is that you're not expected to go so if you end up not going, you won't be disappointing anymore. And if you do go, it will be a nice surprise!! Why don't you see how you feel closer to the time and decide then?

Sarah :D

06-05-05, 23:00
**the dizziness seeems to be so powerful that it still scares me so**

Carlin.. what you feel is not a direct reflection of whats going on inside you.

You will not faint, you will be uncomfortable but would be fine.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

07-05-05, 00:08
Take on board Megs advice

Try it you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

Failure isnt about not getting through what you try to do but about not trying what you want to do.

If you dont manage it hun deep down you wanted to and that is what counts.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-05-05, 14:24
hey carlin,
if you can leave the decision-making to the last minute then i think you should. i find whenever i plan anything, i sort of start stressing out about it as soon as i've made the arrangement and end up feeling worse when i go along. but when i do stuff out of the blue, i tend to feel better.
if you are feeling strong enough on the day, wrap up warm, arm yourself with rescue remedy and give it a go! as you say, it doesn't matter if you decide not to go at the last minute, and your family will treat it as a bonus if you do go.
take care,

07-05-05, 15:38
Hi Carlin

that horrible dizziness [Ugh] I hate it, but like Meg said you may feel uncomfortable but you will not faint!How many times have you had the dizziness and how many times have you fainted??not once I would imagine like me!!I think everybodies right if you can not plan it and see how you feel on the day?Im the same if I plan something then I get nervous about going X X X

07-05-05, 17:18
Thank you all so much, i took all of your advice out with me today (printed it off) and managed to get in M&S on my own, hubby was parked outside, bought quite a few bits, i do get to the shops regularly but hubby has to pay at the checkout, i done all of this alone, up and down the escalators, which i hate, but luckily one of my daughters rang me whilst doing this and it totally distracted me, thanks again, maybe i needed a big kick up the backside, i get like this every now and then, i'll think about the football match nearer the time, otherwise i'll drive myself insane worrying. xxxxx

07-05-05, 18:09
well done for the shopping trip, you will have that much going on on the day of footie you wont have time to feel dizzy, or even think about it good luck with it,

kairen x

07-05-05, 18:22

I thought we weren't allowed to mention Football !!! [:O][:P];)


07-05-05, 19:07
Well done Carlin. You did really well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-05-05, 14:44
Hi Carlin,

Is it this weekend ..?

Well done on your past few days .

Thinking of you for this.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

13-05-05, 14:58
Hi Meg, it was yesterday, and what a day! I had no intention of going what-so-ever! Hubby went on the turn (verbally i mean), said i would regret it for ever (we are all arsenal fans here) so to see our son play over there is a great achievement, anyway last minute i went, i felt awful, he had to actually cuddle me most of the match, and he's not a cuddle in front of people type normally, i am glad i went ,our son scored, but i could not appreciate any of it at the time, 'cos i felt so bad!At one stage i actually thought i was going to faint, oh dear, i don't want to put anyone off, that's why i never mentioned it again, i haven't slept most of this week, and know this makes things worse, but, i suppose, i did go, although i still think it would have been easier to stay home. bit fed up lately, sorry to bring everyone down at the week-end!

13-05-05, 15:04
Wow - you went . Fantastic !! You felt terrible but you went , you stayed and he scored !!!

I think thats a pretty brilliant achievement and one you can build on.

We have all felt we were going to faint - daily and even all day at times . You know deep down, after all your time on here , its not going to pan out that way

So Many Congratulations and don't let feeling rotten put you off, instead, see it as a wonderful achievement and one to build upon daily.


13-05-05, 16:49
I'm not a sadist by any means, but it's great to know that others have similar experiences!!! The light-headedness/dizziness thing can be terrifying, and damn persistent. Maybe the worst thing is the sense of unreality, which is probably due to forgetting to breathe , and the emotional turmoil that even the smallest problems can sometimes generate. When im like this, I have to concentrate on small victories- reading a chapter of a book, going to the shop, attending a lecture. Increments are the best thing- if you havent been out of the house in a month, walking around the block can seem like ve day x100!

Nolite te *******es carborundorum[^]

13-05-05, 19:50
Well done on going atall - that is a huge achievement in itsefl.

You felt crap but you stuck at it and stayed so that was great news!!


13-05-05, 22:57
Well done for going Carlin. You did really well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-05-05, 23:36

Your not bringing anyone down at the weekend. It doesnt matter what day it is, we are all here for each other. So if you feel good talking then you carry on...

A very WELL DONE for going. You felt awful, but your son can carry that with him now, knowing that his mum and dad were there.

Now you can sleep and be proud of yourself

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.