View Full Version : Im Scared

07-08-08, 15:01
Over the last few week's I have had a few things going on in my life.

Last night I felt very agitated and when I went to bed started to have horrid thoughts,very negative awful thoughts about my family.I haven't had thoughts like this in a long long time.Its so scarey,and then you start to think "this aint anxiety,Im not normal"but I managed to switch my mind to something else luckily.I hate these thoughts and sometimes they feel so real.:scared15:

Today I feel so strange inside,very anxious,very moody and angry.I feel like I want to cry but it just wont come out.:weep: :weep: How can we have such nasty thoughts when we love these people so much.You can't explain it to people who dont understand,or have never felt these feelings,they would think you were barmy.:wacko:

Sorry just needed to have a chat,I just feel exhausted at the mo.I dont want to see the gp as Im happy on the 40 mg of citalopram,dont want to go up to 60.:ohmy: Thank you xxxxxxx

07-08-08, 15:08
Hi yorkylover, i have been terrible today and have continuous butterflies, fast heart rates and are thinking about things which happened 20 years ago and putting what ifs to them, its crazy I know, my episodes are very few and far between now, but when they come they seem to be worse,
Lets just call it a BLIP day and hope things are better tomorrow.

07-08-08, 17:00
Im trying to think as my awful today as a blip day too, i think thats good advice, when we think weird or strange thoughts its best to pass over them and just try and get on, its our condition which makes us worry about them and fuels them into seeming much worse and larger than they were.
Tomorrows another day hun......

C xxxx

milly jones
07-08-08, 17:41
hi ellen hun

uve had lots stress lately and this will take its toll.

uve been so strong.

give urself a break hunny, and treat urself to some quality me time.

u need to recharge ur battery


milly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-08-08, 21:34

You have had a lot on lately hun and you need to try and relax(not easy I know)

Any chance You and Rich could get away for a night or 2 in the caravan???? Just somewhere local maybe:shrug:

Chin up eh??

Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-08-08, 23:16
Thanks everyone.We are trying to go out on Saturday with Ollie for the day,see how the weather is!!!!

We have a holiday the 30th August so not long to go :yahoo:

07-08-08, 23:28
Me too - working my notice at the moment, relocating to the other end of the country, brought a new house, have not sold mine, starting a new job in October - my head has started buzzing and I am getting depersonalisation.

Chin up xx

08-08-08, 10:05

I think you are being really hard on yourself.
In the last few weeks you have had issues with work.
Issues with health for your OH.

And the previous months have been no picnic either. You have not been getting any quality time and I think your body and mind is now craving it and yelling " Oy me me me". It is not selfish - it is essential to keep you going.

Please plan a nice weekend and try to relax that mind of yours. It's a blip and it's always a worry that the 'blip' won't go. But it will - you just need to chill and let yourself repair.

08-08-08, 17:02
Actually some times when we are in depression then we thought same just like one you shared but I don't think there should be any problem and all would be well.