View Full Version : Brontophobia

07-08-08, 15:46
I have a fear of both thunder and lightning. I used to be much worse. Now it is uneasiness and also a thumping headache. We had a fairly small electric storm last night and I felt quite frightened. I had also felt in the past that storms were a manifestation of evil and that in some way this evil was out to get me. So I would hurry home if there was a storm. So if the headache is bad I've somehow carried the storm in my head and also I had some control over the storm. I never had any control and the storm would come regardless. I am afraid of being struck by lightning because I think the storm is atracted to me. I know all this sounds crazy but this is how I feel even though I can rationalise it. If I feel bad about myself I know it is to do with poor self esteem. Thankyou for listening. Years ago I was in an old house that was struck by lightning but it had a lightning conductor on it and it didn't catch fire. I think the power went off though.

07-08-08, 19:00
Hello Eliabeth Jane

I don't suffer from Brontophobia, but I do absolutely get what you say about headaches. Storms utterly change my mood and I suffer from the most appalling headaches and nausea (I am a migraine sufferer though). We had a very bad storm last night which lasted some time. My head was just throbbing and I felt sick and just so 'not right'. A very 'vascular' headache - I still had it this morning, although thankfully it's gone now. I always know when a storm is coming - if I was a cow I'd be lying down in a field!

My mum loathes storms too, she actually goes into her cupboard under the stairs - you're not alone! And actually back in the day, people did think of them as the wrath of the gods. They aren't nice, so don't beat yourself up about it, the chances of you being hit by lightning etc... You know the score! Phobias are just so irrrational.

Good luck!