View Full Version : Finally been diagnosed with something

07-08-08, 18:17

Had my assesment with the Mental Health Practionar today. He said i have severe anxiety and an eating disorder.

So today marks the day that i will change my life style and start to control my feelings, emotions and thoughts. Today i will change my life style and try to start going out more. I will try to do things i'm scared to do like travel on a train face my fears and things that make me anxious.

Wish me luck.. I'll come into chat soon when i'm more up for it.


milly jones
07-08-08, 19:17
when i had a diagnosis i felt so much better cos i knew that i wasnt mad

for me it really helps

milly xxx

ps good luck with ur goals xx

07-08-08, 19:30
Jas hun - I really hope this means you can start getting help now. It can only go up from here :)

07-08-08, 19:48
Good Luck and hugs x x x

08-08-08, 12:51
Already doing rubbish. Noticed that my tummy looks really flat today and I like how it looks so am finding it hard to eat today cos I don't want to put weight on and for it to get bigger. I lost a pound as well which is good... Hmm I have bad thoughts still. I know I'm not going to change overnight but I was so positive yesterday

08-08-08, 13:01
Hey don't put yourself down for not feeling as positive as yesterday, you did not just get anx one day, it takes to to form, and it will take time to go. Just try and keep your thoughts positive.