View Full Version : can doctors really know?

06-05-05, 21:01
hello again! i hope u don't think i am being silly but i have to ask.i have been 2 c about 6 different doctors over my sypmtoms had bloods, ecgs all fine (i suffer from really bad chest pain), they have all said that i suffer from acid reflux and muscle strain, i've not had an chest x-ray!!!today i have been 2 visit the occupational health doctor at work to c how i am doing and when i will b returning back to work, anyway he said the same, how can they just tell.? x[^]

06-05-05, 21:15
Hi Jwonka,
Sorry you are feeling a bit stressed, these people are highly trained professional experts, please try to be re-assured by them, i can guarantee they are all right, and when you accept this, you will very slowly start to feel a little better, it is a gradual thing, and i know, a lot easier said than done, but take it easy and keep in touch.

06-05-05, 21:22
hello, thank u 4 replying so quick, i would feel calmer but its really painfull i did'nt know it could hurt like this and it b nothing serious x

06-05-05, 21:38
Hi Jwonka

How come you didnt get an x-ray?


**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

06-05-05, 21:38
Hi jwonka,
I have read some of your previous posts and can really relate to them. I get really stiff whenever i sit at my computer, neck/ shoulder/ head/ chest pains. Have had various tests and it has all come back to tension, anxiety and my posture. I am constantly making sure my shoulders are down and i'm sitting/ standing correctly. Where i have been hunched over for most of the day i finally straighten up and this causes my chest muscles to ache where they are being stretched back again. ( hope i've explained that ok?) I also suffer with acid reflux and after living on Rennies for the past 3 years have finally got a porescription for some stronger stuff that seems to be helping. Try and set aside some time for relaxing, and have some faith in your g.p's. Hope this has helped, you CAN and WILL get through this! Have you read any books about anxiety? Claire Weekes books really helped me. Love KT x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

06-05-05, 21:48
hiya, i have'nt had a x-ray cause the docs have said that when they do blood tests, ecgs if it comes back negative, and the symptoms i have described it is obvious that what it is although the doc 2day said i should have a camera to look at my insides. x

06-05-05, 21:50
ps, yes i have got clare weeks books they r helpful but i supose i find it hard 2 accept that its anixety, i have now been told that i have 2 go 4 CBT x

06-05-05, 21:54
Yeah.... I fell in the stairs a few months ago , and after I complained with rib pain... I had an x-ray, my rib was only bruised. I am due a pelvis scan in a month time also because I have pain occasionaly, which i am sure is not as troublesome as yours.
I think you deserve an x-ray just to make sure.

**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

06-05-05, 22:57
Hi -

Why do you think you should have an xray. What sort of things are you expecting it to show ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

06-05-05, 23:00
i don'nt know lung cancer maybe, cos i smoke x

06-05-05, 23:12
so .....are you having a real purulent cough and hacking up blood ?

My point being that illnesses have clinical symptoms are interconnected and an investigation is not warranted unless there are underlying symptoms or is completely undiagnosed and they are on an elimination strategy..

In your conversations with the 6 doctors , you haven't given the clinical symptoms to support requesting an xray.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

06-05-05, 23:42
meg, i know i am being really daft, it cos these pains really hurt and i'm scared, also i think its cos i've never really been ill before. i've never suffered from flu, headaches, stomach aches etc... and all this anixety all first startred when my eyes use to go funny and i thought i was going 2 faint or die and everyone use 2 say 2 me its anixety but no one has sat down 2 explain it 2 me and by the time i knew about this website i had gone 2 far down the end of the line and now suffer from other symptoms. all my mates, my huband r all sick of me cos i am always complaining of these pains and tell me just 2 chill(if only they knew) but i can'nt help feeling that theres something wrong, how can i be like this every day since xmas, sorry 4 going on i'm just so scared xx

07-05-05, 00:06

When you suffer like you are it is continual and it is anxiety. Hard to believe a mental symptom can cause such physical distress but it does and you need to remind yourself that it does. It wont pass over night and it wont help that you dont accept what it is.

I am not getting at you at all but when i first suffered i had every illness possible but in time i realised it was anxiety and i had to fight that rather than the physical aspects of it. I still struggle at times mentally and at times that is harder than the physical parts of it trust me, but i wont let it beat me, just like you wont.

You are a healthy person suffering from anxiety and in time and with a lot of support you will overcome this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-05-05, 11:58
Do doctors really know what they're doing? Well, that is a really good question. I've been to doctors in 3 different countries since my problems started and some have been better than others. I sometimes don't like to trust them but to be fair, they have helped me recover and get to the stage I'm at today. If we can't trust our doctors, who can we trust? :D

07-05-05, 12:12
Hi there, i really understand how you are feeling Ive had anxiety attacks for years, I think mine is now panic disorder as every day even in the house I never feel 100%, my boyf tries to understand but I think he thinks Im a hypocondriact(cant spell!!!), for instance I had a lump in my lip once I thought it was cancer-turns out it was a zit(gross i know) but I had told myself this is it Ive got cancer crying and everything thinking I would die!The other day I weeded my garden my arm was aching and had pins and needles for days-told myself I was gona have a stroke or ME!!and Im still here now and none of these thoughts have ever been true-like somebody else said we have to understand that our symptoms are down to lovely anxiety!!But as I said before I understand how you feel 100% you are not alone in this X

08-05-05, 20:29
hello! thank u all 4 your repiles, they have helped.i suppose with anixety when u have these symptoms u feel so bad that u feel it can't b but that part of the illness is'nt it? i hope CBT helps me then i can start being me again x

08-05-05, 20:48
Good luck with the CBT!! :D

08-05-05, 22:56
CBT has some excellent results and i hope it helps you. It is scary to think anxiety can relay such horrible symptoms but we have to accept it does and learn to try and overcome them and i know that is hard.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-05-05, 10:41
Hi Jwonka,

My daughter sufferd PA anxiaty from the age of 3 she is now 11 and doing very will. At the age of six I was told that she was suffering from reflux acid. Beacuse is took sooo long for them to come up with this my daughter was left with PA anxiaty, it makes ma soooooo angry. In the begining she would get alot of chest pain and tummy pain and other symptoms because of the reflux. As time went on I noticed that when she was anxious the pain got worse and it scared her soooo much.
Because my daughter was so young it was hard for me to explain that when she got anxious her tummy would make more acid and give her pain, which was the reflux, but because she feared that symptom this in turn gave are anxiaty and the symptons of anxiaty.
My daughter is alot better now she still has little bits but she CAN control them, she knows that if she feels a little anxious by changing her thoughts her symptoms dont last for long. She is doing very well and I am soooo proud of her[^]:D[^]
I too can understand how you feel because last june someone decided to show me just what my daughter had been going through and I suffered alot of Pa's and anxiaty. Everything I tought my daughter on how to cope with her's went out of the window and I was at deaths door.
This disorder is soooo horrible and can give you sooooo many symtoms.
I have had alot of symtoms, really bad chest pain is one of many.
This site has been a godsend to me, if it was not for this site and the special people on here I would not be where I am today, and that is feeling alot better. It was never just post to me but the advice they gave to other people. It is priceless all the tips and advice thay give all work in time.
You to CAN learn how to feel better.
For me it was understand what this disorderd can do to you.
Not to fear symtoms because the more you fear a symptom the longer it last. NEVER let it stop you from doing things that you have always done, and the most inportant thing is to change your thoughts.
When you are high with anxiaty she will always give you negative thoughs, this is part of this disorder.
It is very hard to change the way you think but it CAN be done.
With alot of hard work support and time, I say again you CAN learn how to feel better.




09-05-05, 17:21
hello! thank u jill u have really helped:D and everyone else :Di'm hoping 2 start CBT nx week, but what i have notice is althougth i've been on omeprazole 4 3 weeks now that had'nt really help but i also took some gaviscon and both have helped,( which i'm suprised i did'nt take sooner as i'm a pharmacy techincian[Duh!] i even went to the shops without getting any pains:D but now i have backache!!! and stomach ache!!! this anixty really likes 2 control u does'nt it but at the moment i'm not scared of the backache so hopefully it will go away thanks 4 your support x jwonka

09-05-05, 17:34
Hi Jwonka,

My daughter was on gaviscon for a long time it help her too.
Mr anxiaty dose like to conrol you, but the trick is you conrol her, learn as much as you can about this disorder so when she throws a symptom at you you are not scared because she feeds on fear.
Well done going to the shops, you are allready moving forward.
Keep posting as time goes on you WILL start to feel better.



09-05-05, 18:51
Hi Jwonka

Sorry you are not feeling to great at the moment, it will get better in time and i am sure we will all support you as much as we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.