View Full Version : Hi new to this and anxious just typing to you all

07-08-08, 20:14
Hi,i'm new here,and before I begin-i do hope no-one thinks I am moaning,I normally bottle it up incase people are sick listening to me.I have had anxiety problems for years,but physical symptoms just appeared one day worse over a year now-bad enough that I had to go to my gp,but symptoms just not going away.I fear life in general I think-sounds mad I know,but true.I have witnessed some very traumatic events,and tragically my partner committed suicide this year.So much piling on my shoulders,i never want to worry family-although they are great,but i'm scared,scared of physical symptoms that gp keeps saying is anxiety,why won't they go away?:weep: .I hope by being on here I can help others too,as this takes my mind off all my own fears.Sorry for moaning,and thank you for taking the time to read this,take care everyone x

milly jones
07-08-08, 20:30
hugs hunny

uve had lots to cause u anx

nmp is a safe place for u to release some of ur pent up emotions and hopefully gain peace

milly xxx

07-08-08, 20:52
Thank you so much for your kind words Milly :hugs: I'm here for you also,If you are in need of a friend,take care xxxx

07-08-08, 21:08
:welcome: to nmp
-Hugs- :bighug1:
Your not alone.
Dont worry your not going on that whats the fourms for so you can express how you feel and other will listen and help.
The age rang on nmp is big for instange there people in ther 80's and people like me who are only 13.
Remeber were in this together. :hugs:
Tasha x

07-08-08, 21:12
Hiya Smile :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
Im sorry you are not doing so good at the moment, It sounds like you have gone through some things in your life so it aint supriseing you are going through a tough time at presant.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way from all the NMP members.
Keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


07-08-08, 21:27
Hello Smile

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


07-08-08, 22:14
Hi Smile

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

07-08-08, 22:22
Thank you all for your loving words and help,and for a lovely welcome:hugs: to you all xxxx

07-08-08, 22:34
hiya and welcum ...dont ever think u r moaning m8 u def arnt ...u have been through alot .......this is a gr8 site 2 where u will meet people who undrstand u even if u think no one cud understand ...ud b surprised ......i 2 bottle things up and suffer severe anxiety panic attacks and currently agoraphobia but have had loads of help on here .......we always think we are alone in this hard horrible struggle ..but we arent .....x
take care and message anytym xx
big hugs
Titch xxxxx

07-08-08, 23:03

just think, you are taking your first steps towards your own recovery. talking about your fears and doubts will help and you will get good advice. you will get loads of support here and i'm also sure you will benefit others too

Julie :)

07-08-08, 23:15
Hi smile thats what we are all here for.. so feel free to offload. none of us would get anywhere or support if we didnt.


Pooh x

08-08-08, 16:35
Hello Smile And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

08-08-08, 22:04
hi Smile
Welcome to nmp.
You are not moaning. You are a courageous person. I think anyone experiencing a partner taking their own life, must feel very anxious, but you also show strength. There you are offering help at the end of your introduction. NMP needs people like you.
Take care and keep posting :)

08-08-08, 23:03
Hi Smile,

Welcome to NMP. Many here understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


09-08-08, 11:48
Hi Smile

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

09-08-08, 19:42
Hi Smile,

I am sure you will find plenty of support here. It is not good to keep worries to yourself - everyone here seems to understand.