View Full Version : Is this to be expected

07-08-08, 20:43
Hello Everyone, I have not posted in a while but regulary log on to read posts. I have been doing very well or so I thought and then wham I start to panic again. I was sitting down thinking where are my health symptoms have they gone! Oh no I think they are still here and then I get them, the tremor in the left hand, strange vision, sore left eye, droopy eye.

I had not noticed them over the last two weeks.

No I can not stop thinking about them and have even googled tonight, I know I should not do it.

Oh why oh why do I do this to myself:weep:

milly jones
07-08-08, 20:53
they cam back cos u realised they werent there hunny

ur brain reminded u to think of them

very positive that u had not noticed them hun

well done

milly xxxxx


07-08-08, 21:12
Thanks Milly:D

milly jones
07-08-08, 21:26
np mate xxxx hugsxxx

miss diagnosis
08-08-08, 11:55
dont worry. i went a whole year nearly with out panicking
(after smear test results were clear-cervical cancer is my thing!) and then BAM one day out of the blue im a snivvelling wreak. was convinced was going to die on weds night for some reason. still here though :-)

08-08-08, 20:33
I know what you mean. I have had a sore eye all day today and I am trying to stay calm. This anxiety is so powerful. Hope you feel better soon.

09-08-08, 10:02
Eye very sore today and sticky, I think it is my dry eye back again. It is strange that when things go wrong it is always my left side! Does anyone else get this?