View Full Version : Hiya

07-05-05, 00:17
Hi im Collette, just wanted to say hello.:)

I have Agoraphobia and OCD

Im glad to have found this site and look forward to meeting others like me.

07-05-05, 00:18
Hi Collette

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-05-05, 00:20
Thanks Karen, im a bit shy and dont really know whay to say, give me time and you wont be able to shut me up.:D

07-05-05, 00:22
Hi Collette

Welcome to the site, you talk when you are ready and i hope we can help you.

Takes time to build up the trust but by reading posts on here you will see that we dont let each other down at all.

Take care and look forward to hearing more from you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-05-05, 00:36
Hi Collette

I'm also new hear and a little shy. So we can have a go together. I have been working my way arround the site and not to sound awful but I'm so happy to know I am not alone and if I have a bad day I just log on and read some of the input and it makes me feel a lot better.

Hope to speak to you soon in the chat room

Thake care



07-05-05, 00:48
Sure we can all help each other through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-05-05, 00:53
You seem a very supportive bunch on here.[8D]

07-05-05, 00:55
Hi Collette

We are and we will help you all we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-05-05, 10:20
Collette, when you feel up to it do give us a bit of your history and what stage of your recovery you're at.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

07-05-05, 10:58
Hi Colette & Mandie

Welcome to the site, hope you'll find all the support you need. :)


**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

07-05-05, 11:03
hi ...
i have been on this site a while now but it took me a while to know what to say ... or if the things i wanted to say were ok and not silly ...if you know what i mean...
but as time has gone on i now reply to posts and even use the chat room...i started off just going in there and watching(and still do sometimes)
but everybody here is great... so friendly and understanding they will all make you feel welcome

07-05-05, 11:18
Hi Collette

I'm also really shy but everyone here is really friendly and I'm sure you will soon feel at home.

Just post a bit more when you feel comfortable to do so.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-05-05, 11:38
Welcome aboard Colette!! :D

07-05-05, 13:01
Welcome Collette! You have certainly joined a great site, there are very helpful people here.

07-05-05, 13:48
Hi collette, rachel has said it all, I feel as if Ive travelled miles since realising im not alone,you will be helped here, we can post anything no matter how big or small and help and wonderful advice is given, take care, Alexis

07-05-05, 16:43
Hi Collette,
All has been said, but just wanted to say hello, take your time, read all information here and when you feel ready, ask questions, tell your story, whatever you fancy, take care and keep in touch.

07-05-05, 17:49
Hiya Collette

Welcome aboard the forum.

Wehn you feel ready to say some more then please feel free to say as much or as little as you want to.

I am sure you will get loads of support on here anyway.


07-05-05, 17:58
Hi collette

welcome as you can see we are all really friendly and just want to help each other as much as we can,
no one will judge you on what you have to say cos we prob have all thought it at some time, so just when ever you want help just ask and as you see you will get plenty of replies.

kairen x

07-05-05, 21:23
WOW, what a welcome, thank you.

Ive had depression and anxiety for about 5 years, ive recently been diagnosed with the agoraphobia and social phobia - i cant go out alone and i really fear other people (they can see how im feeling and use it against me, sounds daft but is really real) My OCD is with cleaning and counting things, the cleaning thing is way out of control but have been referred to the Maudsely clinic which is residential. I have a CPN who sees me once a week, i will over the next few weeks have CSW weekly to help me get out, and ive been referred as an outpatient at the psychiatrict hospital to attend things like coping skills and relaxation exercises - the CSW will be helping me attend that. Ive also been referred for psychotherapy to help me with my 'other issues'.
Im on Paroxetine 20mg, chlorpeomazine 50mg at night and 25mg during the as and when i feel i need them and mirtazapine 30mg at night.

07-05-05, 22:04
hello collette :D

Im new here too ..and i also have agoraphobia. I hope you're able to stick around!

07-05-05, 22:27
Hi, eveyone I am new to the site and have so far found it helpful as I suffer with anxiety.

09-05-05, 12:59

You're going be getting great treatment at the Maudsley and sounds like there are a few avenues of treatment planned so I hope those go well..

Is a CSW a community star worker....


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-05-05, 23:43
A CSW is community support worker.

10-05-05, 10:26
Hi Collette

Pleased the replies have helped you and you know that we will support you all we can.

I am sure you will really benefit from the residential treatment plan.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.