View Full Version : Need reassurance fast!

07-08-08, 23:55
I discovered a moveable lump on my neck about 2 1/2 years ago. I have had it checked out by 3 different doctors, the last one being over a year ago. All didn't seem concerned and two of them said the same thing. A lymph node swollen from infection and it may not ever go down. Well, it hasn't and I decided that I would feel it again tonight. BIG MISTAKE! Now I'm freaking out about it again. Why? I've had it for this long. If it was something serious, it would most certainly have gotten bigger or I'd find more of them by now. Or I'd be sick, right? Of course my mind is screaming LYMPHOMA! God, please someone reassure me! Sorry for my craziness, but I am on the verge of snapping here!

07-08-08, 23:59

look try not to worry i mean when you think about it you have had it that long tbh if it was somthing wrong you would be very ill by now , i am sure it is just your anx making you feel that way hun. i have ha and worry about things even when the doc has said im ok and i think this is what is going on with you but i am sure you are just fine ,my mum has the same thing had it years and she is ok

jodie xxx

08-08-08, 00:09

there is nothing to worry about, if 3 docs say its ok, then take their word on it. I still do the same thin sometimes. I have two cysts on my left testicle and have had them scanned and been told they are ok, but every now and then i feel them and flip out, but i keep telling myself my doc and the ultra sound both can't be wrong.

Take care

08-08-08, 01:17
Thanks so much to both of you. Logically, I know I am worrying over nothing. I just don't understand why I do this to myself. I had a really good day. No dizziness at all, only a few floaters, and a great productive day at work. I came home and did yard work and made dinner, you know, normal things! All without trying to fight anxiety like every other day this week. Then I sat down on the couch and felt my neck and freaked. I even broke my pact that I've had with myself of no googling. I haven't done that in months! I honestly feel like an addict that relapsed right now.

I feel much better thanks to you guys and this wonderful board. I just discovered it a few days ago, but I've posted on here more than any other board I've ever joined already. I love this place! :hugs:

08-08-08, 06:21
hi hi--

if 3 different doctors have told you the same thing, and you are not sick, it is very unlikely that it is cancer.

maybe your dr. has already told you this, but sometimes just touching lymph nodes too much can make them swollen. one thing that i did when i was obsessing over a lymph node was to make a pact with myself not to touch it for a week, and sure enough, the swelling went down.


miss diagnosis
08-08-08, 11:43
hi there

had the same lump on neck thing and doctor said it was nothing at all. prob happens to everyone at some point but most people dont notice cos they are not health oppssessed!