View Full Version : Will the constant video playing in my head ever go away?

08-08-08, 10:36
My head is like a video playing over and over,flashbacks,even sounds have me on edge,still I await help for this,have tried hypnotherapy,try to do something to take my mind off the bad images,but still they are there.Any advice would be much appreciated,and hugs to the people who are suffering from P.T.S.D x

11-08-08, 16:42
hi smile
i can really relate,trauma seems to burn images into our memory
that get repeated
the less anxious you are about the pictures the more they seem to disappear
all the very best ade

23-08-08, 17:18
I too suffer from flashbacks, a good grounding technique i learnt that can help to bring you back into the present is to say out loud to your self (or if in public, in your head) 5 things you see, hear, smell etc that you notice in your surroundings, then count down to 4 things you hear, see, smell etc until you get down to 1 thing of each.
Another way is to focus on an object for example a flower and fully describe in as much detail as possible all the shapes, colours, textures you can feel. Hope i could help a bit,


30-08-08, 13:04
Thank you Ade and Stephlet for your kind replies,xx,hope you are both well

12-10-08, 02:11
Hi Smile google mindfulness , there is alot on it, i did a course about it once, it's all about stopping the same tapes, stories, video's you wake up with. Oz :yesyes::yesyes: Bit different than CBT, its helped me a little ,but need to keep at it daily



20-12-08, 20:20
Hiya Hun
My Oh also has ptsd and he has the video thing too,i just spoke to him and asked how he dealt with it and he explained that in his mind he has "locked boxes" which he never goes into,but if the boxes ever "open"for whatever reason,he goes in and locks them up again mentally.
Sorry its kinda hard to explain what he means but i hope i got it across as best i could.

21-12-08, 09:44
Mine seem to get worse whenever I get close to someone, everytime it destroys a relationship I get into as the other person gets sick of the neglect or me pushing them off me as I cant cope with the flashbacks that poop into my head.

It has improved slightly in recent years, I dont know if I'm starting to recover or its just age????

spotty socks
28-12-08, 18:40
Hello my heart goes out to you, i also have bad ptsd . I smell things , get the shakes have flashbacks over and over. I am going to be starting emdr (eye movement desenitization and reprocessing) I have got to the point in order for my life to go forward, i have got to do something. i really hope we both can find something to help us.
take care
Spot x

30-12-08, 11:29
Thank you all for your kind words,and hope we can all get better together:hugs: Videos are still playing in my head,so much going on at present,so tired wish i could switch my head off xx