View Full Version : Feeling Down!!!!

08-08-08, 12:15

I have been Panic Free for about a month now and I have on top of everything. My medication seems to working and I am going to see a new counsellor who is brillant. So when the other day while I was at work I suddenly came over all hot and dizzy and felt as though I was going to pass out it has really set me back and I have been experiencing this nearly everyday for the past two weeks. It is starting to make me feel down and depressed all over again. I know what is happening to me and therefore it has not been as servere as past times but it still quite scarey. I think the way I am feeling at the moment is because we are covering alot in my couselling sessions and we are talking about the death of my Mum who I dont think I haveing really grieved for and think this could be alot to do with it.

I just wish I could be a normal 26 year old girl and enjoy my life but at the moment I feel I am stuck and VERY UNHAPPY :weep:

milly jones
08-08-08, 12:21
hugs hun

therapy can be painful but those repressed feelings have to come out for u to heal.

dont beat yrself up hun, we all hav blips from time to time when were under stress

just remember the positives that u hav been anx free, and u can again

the more u worry, the more anx u will feel

mill xxx

08-08-08, 12:25

I can understand. I am 26 and totally agreed with your last sentence!

Try and stay positive, you will have up and down days and sometimes they just come out of the blue. Remember you were feeling on top ot the attacks in the recent past and so you know that you are capable of dealing with the anxiety and will feel on top of them again.


08-08-08, 12:45
hiya and yes the counselling will bring stuff to the surface often too painful to talk about but we need to talk about this in order to deal with it so i wuld say keep going hun and i know its hard i went through alot of anger once i got into my counselling and i felt very low, but now i am confident and ready to take control and deal with stuff, ok sometimes i get my blips but u will feel better after u have spoken and dealt with your mother and anything else u need too, it will feel like a weight off your shoulders and u will see stuff differently. hugs to u xxx