View Full Version : Go to a GP?

08-08-08, 13:51
Hi all,

I am new to this website and have only recently admmitted to myself that I have a genuine anxiety/panic disorder. I have had a few panic attacks and most of them have been on some form of public transport (like the tube!!). And more often this is after a night of heavy drinking!
However, in the last few weeks I have been able to control these and I dont feel as panicky as I used to. I have found the breathing techniques such as holding your breath and breathing out longer than in has helped alot!
I have never gone to a GP about this condition (it has been on and off for 5 years now) as I always seem to recover from it for quite a long time (as long as 6 months without panic) so I am unsure as to whether I actually need to go see a doctor. I am afraid that going to the doctor may make things worse by thinking about it too much! I feel like I can cope with it myself but worry that it may be unwise too. Any suggestions?

08-08-08, 14:00
Hi - what's your Dr like? If they are a nice Dr then I think I would go and have a honest chat with them. It's kind of just alerting them to your state of mind just in case you get worse.

I saw my GP before I got into a total mess and I am glad I did see her before I flipped when I was more coherent so she was aware there had been something brewing.

They could chat to you about medication options - not that you need to take them but just so you are fully aware of options if you were to want to consider them.

They might suggest therapy if you think that may help get to the cause of your anixiety?

There are many options open to you - do look in the Natural Remedies and therapy sections of this forum cos' then you can see what others have tried.

I have found pilates and my Osteopath have helped me and I'll be onto acupuncture soon. My GP is supportive of using different methods but it's good to know she's there if I need her.

08-08-08, 14:08
Hi samc100,

Thanks for your post. I do not have a doctor at the moment as I recently moved to London! So I guess I will just have to go see someone I dont know!!. I really do not want to go down the medication path as I feel I am fairly in control but I also find pilates really helps!


08-08-08, 14:14
Hi - I think I'd go with few expectations !!!
If they understand where you are coming from - then brilliant. If you know they are not relating to you then nothing lost. Except a long wait in the Dr's surgery.