View Full Version : I hate this

08-08-08, 14:05
Hi Everyone

I'm not having a good day today :weep: where do these silly worries come from??
I'll tell you what I'm worrying about. I had a camera put down my throat earlier this year and the consultant said my esophagus was inflammed and took a biopsy. The biopsy came back clear and he told me to book an appointment with my GP so I could get some tables to help with the acid reflux. I asked the consultant if it was anything that could turn into cancer (my BIG BIG fear) and he said no but when I went to see me GP he said I had Barretts Esophagus (although he didn't elaberate or seem concerned), I made the fatal mistake of googling it when I got home and was horrified to learn that Barretts is a pre cancerous condition. Although it rarely turns into cancer there is a chance it can. I have been back to my GP, he knows I suffer from HA and has tried to reassure me and mostly I try to foget about it but today I'm worrying so much and really need to reassurance from you guys.
I really hate being like this and can't cope with it today :weep:
I would love to hear from anyone who has had this too.

08-08-08, 15:05

Worrying about Barrett's turning into cancer is kind of like having a big mole...yeah, it might become cancerous at some point, but so many people have them with no problems at all that it's really a waste of time to worry about it now.

You've got a condition that lots and lots of people have, and a condition that usually doesn't result in cancer. The site I saw said 1-5% of people with Barrett's develop cancer, and that's a small enough percentage that I wouldn't count on being part of that crowd.

This is much easier advice to give than it is to truly use (believe me, I know), but worrying too much about what might happen will get you nowhere. You've got a condition, sure, but getting anxious over a 5% just isn't worth it!


08-08-08, 15:16

Ams is absolutely right, it definately isn't worth worrying about it hun, you got investigated and got the all clear, if the docs thought at any point there was a risk of it turning into cancer they'd have done something.

Don't give it another thought

di xx

08-08-08, 15:19
My friend has barretts and she is 62 yrs old. She goes for endoscopy every 3 years to check on it and was told that it is almost unheard of for someone under 60 yrs old to develop cancer from barratts. Also tiny percentage of people with barratts get cancer and if you have had it picked up and are being monitered every 3-5 years and take your medication then the slightest change will be caught so early it will be easily treated.

The consultant told her that its the people who have had barratts for most of their life and have done nothing plus they probably smoke and drink and are male and get to their 60's who are most at risk.

Just make sure you get an endoscpy every 3-5 years, take your tablets and all will be well.

11-08-08, 09:17
Thank you all for your kind replies. It really has helped me (ams you have such a positive approach, wish I could be more like that).

I am trying hard not to worry about it anymore :-)

Take Care x

12-08-08, 17:31
Hi Everyone

I'm not having a good day today :weep: where do these silly worries come from??
I'll tell you what I'm worrying about. I had a camera put down my throat earlier this year and the consultant said my esophagus was inflammed and took a biopsy. The biopsy came back clear and he told me to book an appointment with my GP so I could get some tables to help with the acid reflux. I asked the consultant if it was anything that could turn into cancer (my BIG BIG fear) and he said no but when I went to see me GP he said I had Barretts Esophagus (although he didn't elaberate or seem concerned), I made the fatal mistake of googling it when I got home and was horrified to learn that Barretts is a pre cancerous condition. Although it rarely turns into cancer there is a chance it can. I have been back to my GP, he knows I suffer from HA and has tried to reassure me and mostly I try to foget about it but today I'm worrying so much and really need to reassurance from you guys.
I really hate being like this and can't cope with it today :weep:
I would love to hear from anyone who has had this too.

First its not at all silly to be concerned :)

I am in more or less the same position as you, I was initially diagnosed with Barretts last december but after the biopsy the consultant said it wasnt quite barretts but pre barretts

like you I had already googled and was climbing the walls :ohmy: and have never completely come down since then and also have been having intermittent reflux since then even though I am on Nexium.

I am not at all happy with the way this was handled and knowing I have anxiety I felt very poorly done by ....but then he has said its a tiny finding and Im more likely to die from the cigs I used to smoke than I am from this:scared15: . However anxiety definitely makes this all worse and I am trying to find a way to relieve the anxiety and also cure the reflux without having to keep taking nexium which long term Im sure isnt good for you...I have to have another endoscopy in december and I am praying nothing has got worse....its a nightmare I agree but it could be worse I guess...anxiety is really really bad for this though so please try and de stress as much as you can :hugs:

I am willing to share experiences and experiments with reflux cures if you feel like talking any time ! :noangel:

13-08-08, 09:00
Thank you for your reply, it's nice to know I'm not alone with this one.

What I can't understand is the consultant referred me back to my GP for tablets and said I should take them for 2 months to ease the acid reflux. That was back in February so I haven't been taking anything for months now. He never mentioned going back for another check on my throat so I guess neither the consultant or my GP think it's necessary to have regualr checks. I'm a bit confussed and eally don't know if I have Barretts or not!!!

I used to smoke (gave up just over a year ago) and do have acid reflux but not severely and it only usually bothers me if I've had a lot to drink. You mentioned another biopsy in December, how often do you have that done?


13-08-08, 09:26
Thank you for your reply, it's nice to know I'm not alone with this one.

What I can't understand is the consultant referred me back to my GP for tablets and said I should take them for 2 months to ease the acid reflux. That was back in February so I haven't been taking anything for months now. He never mentioned going back for another check on my throat so I guess neither the consultant or my GP think it's necessary to have regualr checks. I'm a bit confussed and eally don't know if I have Barretts or not!!!

I used to smoke (gave up just over a year ago) and do have acid reflux but not severely and it only usually bothers me if I've had a lot to drink. You mentioned another biopsy in December, how often do you have that done?


well the GE consultant said they would check it in december being 1 year after initial endoscopy to see if it had changed and if it hadnt got any worse then just to leave it and see how I went on, so Im trying all natural cures I can to try and keep it down, if you havent needed any meds since Feb:yahoo:then thats great! You may well have ended it! However I acnt stress this enough you MUST NOT FRET about it and TRY NOT TO OVER STRESS OVER ANYTHING AND THAT INCLUDES LOVELIFE WORK MONEY...ANYTHING!!!!, I have done :blush: and Im sure thats why Im still getting reflux occasionally, anyway I am happy to email and even chat on phone if you think it will help ? email is contact@essf.co.uk :hugs:

13-08-08, 10:06
Thanks for replying so quickly Elitest.

It's strange really because I went private to have the endoscopy and the consultant was lovely but when he got the result of the byopsy he just phoned me with the result (didn't have to go back for a final consultation), I did ask him on the phone if it could ever turn into cancer and he said no!!! Trouble is I don't believe him entirely now that I have looked up Barrtts on the internet. He never actually told me I had Barretts but my GP did after reading my notes. I expect you are as confussed as me now!!!
I don't get acid refulx all the time but that doesn't necessarily mean I won't get Barretts.
Trouble is I am an entremely anxious sort of person (born worrier), I have tried relaxtion classes etc but still find myself stressing over lots of silly things.

Thanks again Elitest, hope everything is good for you x

13-08-08, 11:30
Thanks for replying so quickly Elitest.

It's strange really because I went private to have the endoscopy and the consultant was lovely but when he got the result of the byopsy he just phoned me with the result (didn't have to go back for a final consultation), I did ask him on the phone if it could ever turn into cancer and he said no!!! Trouble is I don't believe him entirely now that I have looked up Barrtts on the internet. He never actually told me I had Barretts but my GP did after reading my notes. I expect you are as confussed as me now!!!
I don't get acid refulx all the time but that doesn't necessarily mean I won't get Barretts.
Trouble is I am an entremely anxious sort of person (born worrier), I have tried relaxtion classes etc but still find myself stressing over lots of silly things.

Thanks again Elitest, hope everything is good for you x

yep well I am a born worrier too and thats what we both have to change...its not easy but I am finding " Feel the fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers to also be a help...you have my email if you ever need to talk...best wishes !

ps If I were you I would drop a note to the consultant and tell him your gp said you have Barretts, and ask "is that true ?" He should reply to you without further charge. As a matter of interest Im in Sheffield...where are you ?:)

13-08-08, 14:39
I have sent an email to the private hospital and hopefully they will get back to me.

I live in the South of England...............

Take Care