View Full Version : Do the anxiety symptoms ever ease

08-08-08, 18:16
Anxiety starting to make me feel like a recluse,the fear of going out,panicking,light headedness,doctors tell me eat regular,etc,but still physical symptoms there.Being constantly told to go for walks as will help,but tired and scared to go out,so frustrating at times,like no-one understands,and scared I might have health problems that doctors are missing because putting it all down to anxiety,personal problems,which is making me more anxious.:weep:Are these really symptoms of anxiety?

08-08-08, 18:29
Hello, Yes it certainly sounds like anxiety symptoms. Do try going out walking, because that should help you to become less tired.

08-08-08, 22:51

Yes they are all anxiety symptoms as I can relate to them too. It is important you get out but from experience I would advise to take it easy and for the first few weeks at least walk in your comfort zone till you get your body used to the exercise.

All the best


08-08-08, 22:58
Thank you for your kind support above,much appreciated xx Hope I can be of any help in return ,take care .

11-08-08, 23:19
Yes, they are anxiety related and yes, they do go away! I remmeber taking walks to help, but insisting that we walk round the hospital so I 'was close in case anything happened!'. Nothing did, of course, except my then boyfirend thought I was a nutter. And we had to step over all the drunks... It's a case of learning what will calm you down. For me, walking/jogging on the spot really do help - you start breathing automatically, you don't worry about it, you tire yourself out, and it's great. I also do jigsaws in times of extreme anxiety - kind of like meditation. Hope you feel better soon.

Albert Couture
12-08-08, 10:47
Before I knew I had a problem with anxiety, and before I really knew anything about anxiety, I noticed that long walks would make me feel better. In fact, being physically active is about the only thing that I can count on for helping with my tiredness and anxiety symptoms. I hope you give walking a chance!

12-08-08, 11:32
Definitely as already said when you get to a level of fitness you will feel the benefits in all situations. Getting there is the hard part though. I know how hard it is for you as once again I am on that path.

The physical fitness of agrophobics is something I rarely see discussed. My GP for example couldn't care less on that count. I do feel the physical fitness though plays a part in the deterioration of our mental state. The problem for me is I only realised this when I was very unfit- and I still am in fact.

So it's OK for people who can walk miles to say to you to go for a walk and you'll feel the benefits. In actual fact if you are out of condition you won't. And not only that tiring yourself out doing so just leads to greater anxiety. I know what it's like to go out the door and feel physically ill from just a very short walk and know there is no chance of going any further and then going back home to feel rotten for the rest of the day.

But that should be the goal- the long term goal. I have found it's best to work at that slowly at an almost snail like pace. One small walk a day within your comfort zone and not overexerting yourself. Do that for a few weeks and I am sure you will find these walks a little easier then with a bit more time you will be going further.

Last year I spent months doing this and finally got to a stage where not only was I going for longer walks without tiring but when I got back home I didn't need over half an hour ro recover myself. Small steps and you will get there in the end with patience.

All the best


12-08-08, 19:53
Sorry you are feeling so low at the moment Smile, just want to send you some hugs, it can be a long haul hun but you will start to feel better, it just doesn't feel like it at the moment, keep posting.


