View Full Version : Skin problems?

08-08-08, 18:17
Hi, Does anyone else suffer from skin problems?

I have developed a rash on my left arm little red pimples doctor gave me some dermol cream but its not helping.
Also I have recently had a reaction to my deoderant and its burnt my armpits :weep: I had this when I was pregnant but not had it since. Have got anti biotics for it and it seems to be getting better.

Can the anxiety cause these? I have never had sensitive skin before :huh:

Love Jayne xx

08-08-08, 22:49
A few times this year I have developed a skin reaction on my hands but I'm still not convinced it's anxiety related. I think that is one of the problems we have is trying to diagnose what is an anxiety syptom and what is not.

Mine have always gone away and it sounds like with the help of antibiotics yours is too so hopefully it won't return again and if it does it won't be as much of a shock.

All the best


09-08-08, 15:16
Thanks. yeah maybe I am just prone to it now :unsure: hopefully it clears up soon !

11-08-08, 11:23
Hi Jay

I think skin problems are anxiety related - if nothing else anxiety can cause havoc with your hormones!

When I was at my worst I suffered horrendous spots, and bad dermatitus on my head as well as horrible pimples on my arms.

It still flares up from time to time when I get stressed.

I found a high dose of B & C Vits (Berroca or similar) did help a lot.

Also I have swapped to a medicated shampoo and try to use a less harsh shower gel.

Allye x