View Full Version : Can't cope at night at all... haven't slept properly in weeks!

08-08-08, 19:14

I've posted a few responses on this site but I've not actually posted a thread before - was too scared to if I'm honest! I decided to finally post a thread though because I am having so many problems at night and hoped someone might be able to offer some advice/information about it.

I'm slightly anxious most days, and very anxious on occasional days, but I usually managed to get myself out of the flat and to the library to get some books out (I'm a student) after a couple of hours of 'psyching myself up'.

But, in the evenings, I feel as if my world is quite literally falling apart - despite being exhausted, I cannot sleep because I get so incredibly panicky - with full-blown panic attacks - as soon as the late evening hits c. 10pm or so. I tend to read for a couple of hours, or put on some relaxing music or even an audio book, but even this doesn't help all that much with the panicking.

In the end when I have to turn off the lights/radio etc I lie in bed panicking really, really badly. It is utterly terrifying. I end up just lying there for most of the night/early morning until I'm so exhausted that I fall asleep for a couple of hours before waking up again completely shattered and grateful that at least another night is over.

I'm not sure if anyone has this sort of problem... feel like a bit of an idiot to be perfectly honest... and really don't know what to do to get out of these awful night-time panics.

I've no idea why they happen, and no idea what to do to stop them!

I would really, really appreciate any advice that anyone could give. I'm willing to try literally anything!

Thank you.

Venus Calling
09-08-08, 00:19
I'm not sure what the answer is either, all I can do is sympathise - not much use I know. I get scared at night as I get PA's in my sleep and don't sleep soundly anymore. I have been trying the relaxation CD's/MP3's which help to a point and even as a last resort I use the Bach Rescue Remedy (still not sure if it actually does anything). I was in a terrible state yesterday after having four good days and didn't sleep for 40 hours - I was so hyped up it was awful. I went to my doctor and all she did was give me sleeping pills which I haven't taken yet.

I keep the tv on at night when I am a bit anxious and just have the sound low on QVC which often sends me to sleep or listen to some ballads or something. A warm bath with lavender oil is quite relaxing and is aids sleep. I know this one worked for me but I no longer have a bath and it's not the same in a shower!

I think relaxation really is the key - really unwind before bedtime, easier said than done as I have trouble with this. I've just read a book called 'Coping Successfully with Panic Attacks' by Shirley Trickett and she explains about overbreathing and low blood sugar actually causing PA's. Do you eat regularly during the day?

I don't know what the answer is but like you, I am willing to try anything to get over this. My positive thinking helped me (I like to think it did!) until I didn't sleep and lost focus which has probably not helped me today as I've been quite bad.

Are you getting any help from your doctor?

09-08-08, 01:41
Are you alone in the evenings? I have a great deal of trouble with sleeping as well and unforunately now in order to sleep I take ativan and clonazapam. However even before with both those meds I would still have trouble. Now I find as long as I get atleast 30 minutes of good exercise in and put on my relaxation CD that I can calm down alot.
I think the biggest key is dont focus on sleep at all. Dont think about it, dont worry about not getting it. Just go about your evening and distract yourself with whatever you can. Then only when you feel tired try to lay down and sleep. I know since I have been getting massages as well it has helped alot.
Good Luck!

09-08-08, 02:20
I have that issue too. I found the best way to cope is to just stay up until I literally can't anymore. I usually just play videogames until I feel exhausted enough to sleep, then I give it a shot.

What time do you wake up in the morning? I'm trying to get up earlier so that I get tired earlier. Also, I made a playlist of only thunderstorm sound effects, and I love that when I'm laying down to sleep.

09-08-08, 02:37

Well done for posting your first thread; not so scary after all:flowers:

We can keep ourselves busy during the day, it is much more difficult at night.
Unfortunately it gives us too mush time to think and can trigger a lot of responses.

Have you spoken to your doctor about how difficult you find the night time, perhaps they could come up with a personalised course of action for you and you would feel that you are regaining control?

As a fellow night time sufferer hugs to you:bighug1:


09-08-08, 04:48
I am going through exactly the same thing,and have been doing for the past 3 months or so.I cope generally ok with my panics during the day but come the night it is worse.The gp has given me some sleeping tabs but like Jupiter haven't taken them yet(a bit scared too really). I have a radio on very low next to me on my bedside table and just lay there like you feeling awful most nights.My hubby is sleeping in the spare bed until I can get some normality back in my sleeping routine(great eh?).
I wake up in full blown panic if I do drop off and feel awful during the day,I tend to go to sleep about 4/5am and then feel tired as the quality is crap.
Have you tried talking to the doc about some mild sleeping tabs?there may be something on your mind that you aren't addressing in the daytime so try not to go to bed worried about anything,easier said then done I know.I think it's worse at night as you are alone and it's quiet and everyone else is in z land which makes you feel anxious.I always get up and come on here if I really can't cope with it and it does help.
Hope you get some sleep soon.

09-08-08, 09:05
I get anxious too at night n find it very hard to sleep, what is it about evening? are you on your own or have you a fear of sleeping or maybe cause you get panic attacks at night you start to worry when eving comes that u might panic?
i've spent a few nights shaking in my bed! mine is more health anxiety.
hope you feel better soon

09-08-08, 09:29
Hi Orange

I had the opposite problem, I was "back to normal" in the evening but had terrible anxiety in the mornings.

I still don't know why I was ok at night, but I do know this:

Anxiety becomes a learned behaviour, that is, once we have an experience of anxiety or panic, we are susceptible to the very scenerio that caused that panic (I am susceptible to bad spelling, took my like 10 attempts to spell susceptible).

I found myself wishing the day away so I could get to the evening to be relaxed.

I wonder if you are doing the opposite? spending all day in a state of anxiety about the forthcoming evening, and as a result completing a self-fulfilling prophecy?

You don't mention if you have seeked treatment, but it maybe worth some investigation as to why you are dreading the night.

Some argue that we all have a cause for our anxiety, an obvious cause or some deep rooted fear in subconcious minds, and if we find out what it is, then we can face it and dispel it.

Good Luck


09-08-08, 10:48
Thank you all so much for your responses - it makes such a difference knowing that there are other people out there who are experiencing the same thing and who care enough to respond... thank you.. it means a lot to me.

I've not spoken to my GP about it - he tends to always just hand out tablets, and to be perfectly honest, I don't want more pills - I'd prefer doing something that will help me over the longer term.

Having the tv or radio on whilst trying to doze off seems like quite a popular idea so I shall have a go at that. Actually, I have a Bill Bryson (I love him!) audiobook which I shall try out... saying that, I might end up laughing so much that sleep evaporates!

I find that most of the time I do stay up until I am just so exhausted that I can't not fall asleep, but just as I am about to fall asleep, I begin to panic again and that desperately needed bit of sleep disappears... until it happens again and again.... hopefully listening to the radio/book will help with this.

I think the 'issues' to do with the anxiety at night are simply to do with having to cope with the anxiety during the daytime - which is exhausting in its own way - and at night I guess when I haven't got anything to take my mind off it in terms of work or something, it all comes to a head as it were.

10-08-08, 04:05
Yeah this story sounds allot alike mine, sleep is something I wish I could remember. I believe that the more tired we get the more susceptible to anxiety we are. Even knowing it’s all a mental issue makes no difference with me. I could be so much more productive if I could sleep a full 8 every night! And sleeping pills for me personally at least I have found do not do the job!

11-08-08, 09:38
I find it fascinating that although I've suffered with severe anxiety disorder for almost 10 years now, this is the first time that I've come across other people who also have a heck of a lot of difficulty sleeping... Dr's and therapists do not seem to be tackling it.

I totally agree with you MyNameIsntRich about the lack of sleep affecting our anxiety (as well as being caused by it). I know that when I've had a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed (novel isn't it!!) I definitely feel considerably less anxious, and, let's face it, irritable!

Surely it's about time GPs and therapists began to tackle what seems to be such a prevalent problem without throwing more medication at us?!?!

UPDATE: Remember when we were kids and read those adorable books in which children went to bed with a mug of hot cocoa and some biscuits? Well, I figured, why not try it out along with the audiobook.... I've tried it for the last 2 nights and you know, it might be working. I feel a lot more relaxed having the audiobook on and the hot chocolate and chocolate cookies are pretty darned good too! I dozed off at about 3am last night as opposed to my usual 5am which is a definite improvement!

Recommendation re: hot chocolate. I treated myself (for the first time in absolutely ages) to something nice.... a tin of Charbonnel and Walker hot chocolate.... it is filled with flakes of real chocolate which you melt in hot milk...YUM!