View Full Version : Wheezing with a cough

08-08-08, 19:57
Today I have noticed I have a wheeze as I breath in, just at the very end of my breath. Its like a slight popping type noise. I think it sounds like its at the bottom of my throat, surely id be short of breath if it was from my chest?:blush:

Can you have a wheeze in your throat? I think thats where most of the mucus is sitting but even when I clear my throat with a good cough the wheeze/popping is still there. Its not loud enough for my dh to hear but I can feel it iyswim.

I thought I was feeling alot better last night but then today I have had this wheeze so not sure if I should go back to GP or not. I have had a cough for about a week and my GP on tuesday said my chest was clear, I am just panicky because I had bronchitis lst year.

Sorry to post again:blush:

08-08-08, 22:54
Hi Libby,

I've had something similar on occassions which has gone of it's own accord pretty quickly. If it doesn't go away quickly though there is no harm in going to see your GP again to at the very least put your mind at rest. It's only natural after having something like bronchitis on the back of this that your mind would worry.

Hopefully it will go quickly but if not there is no harm getting it checked out.

All the best


Cathy V
08-08-08, 23:04
Hiya, if your chest was only examined on tuesday and was clear, then its unlikely you have developed bronchitis since then. I sometimes get a bit if a wheezy rattle at the back of my throat, nothing major, and for me i think its connected to my hay fever. You dont say if you smoke or not also? and ive also noticed it since starting the betablockers i have to say.

Cathy xxx

09-08-08, 14:53
Thank you both, if its still bad tuesday I shall go back as the GP did say to leave it a week then come back for another check up to be sure its clear and no bronchitis flaring up again.

No I don't smoke at all, GP kept asking me last year if I had ever smoked or had asthma.