View Full Version : feeling upset n parinod

08-08-08, 20:08
hi now that i dont suffer from panic attacks but still sufer from anxcity.some times i feel like crying wen i think back about wat i have been trougth wiv panic disorder n aswell seeing my grandad go thorouh it as he has been for 6 years i c him i c me wat i went through gets me upset.and does anyone who as revored get parinod about any little ill simtom? eg headace but doesnt go in a panic cause i do i cant help feeling like this just still think that worse than its not but in away i no i aint dona die so iz that just parnior a axcity?

09-08-08, 15:07
I think there is no matter as you told up here and I think you can easily solve this also. Because you are the person who can do each and every thing for you. Anxiety i came through frustration so this is my advice to keeping cool yourself more then times and try to change your thoughts which you have been made up with yourself.

10-08-08, 22:25
I used to think I had brain tumor and that there was no way my numerous symptoms could just be anxiety... I've done a brain scan three times and it proved ok every time, but still I panicked over every single symptom. I can totally relate to what you're experiencing and don't worry, it's just anxiety. If it wasn't, we would all be dead by now :winks: