View Full Version : wierd head again please help

08-08-08, 20:23
omg am full of anx again today and cant stop crying, i keep getting a strange sensation across my head when i yawn and when i am eating, it seems to shoot from the back of my neck across the left side of the top of my head, i am feaking out about it as i dont know what it could be, could it be a trapped nerve of could it be worse coz i am anxious i know we all get the shooting pains it dosent feel like that it is just errrrrrrrrr wierd i cant describe it please help i am so worried xxx

08-08-08, 20:38
Stop worrying you will make it worse. What do you mean by something serious?

08-08-08, 20:40
im sorry i know i shouldnt worry just havent had this feeling before sorry

08-08-08, 21:29
im sorry i know i shouldnt worry just havent had this feeling before sorry

No need to apologise, just try and calm yourself down.

08-08-08, 21:33
I get a fuzzy sensation that runs across my head n it hasn't killed me yet, i'm used to it now, i'm freakin out about a dull pain above my eyeybrow, i'm trying to ignore all the usual negitive thoughts like its a brain tumour!
i'm sure its nothing to worry about but i guess thats hard to belive when your afraid.
i hope it goes away x x

08-08-08, 22:48
Hi berkshiregirl

It's really nothing to worry about. Sometimes when we are asleep we lay in awkward positions that can temporary inflame nerves, which is the usual cause. The head is full of nerves which of course originate from the neck, so if you inflame a nerve in the neck region it will travel the full length of the nerve, just like when you get back ache and the pain sometimes goes down a leg.


08-08-08, 22:51
hi ya i always get pressure feeling in my head doc told me bad posture and neck problems. but i still worriy about it especially when me head gets sore. i also think its from being dizzy all the time. i would give anything to get rid of this dizziness.

Judas Gamez
09-03-09, 11:19
i get this every single day and i just hate it. its the only thing left from my anxiety and panic disorder. it gives me a head zap feelling and everything it always happens after i eat also and when i watch TV or COMP. i starting to think its the thing we eat for some reason and thats why i am trying this hypoglycemic diet which involves no sugar. if it works ill get back to you on it but other then that hang in there your not the only one.