View Full Version : Umbilical Hernia

08-08-08, 21:23
Ive got a Umbilical Hernia and have to have it removed..not sure when it will be but it probably will be before xmas if the doctor has his way!....if i have my way never.
Bit of a longshot i know but has anyone else had one of these or does anyone know if you can have this done by local anestetic rather than general as im terrified of being put to sleep. And now the added fear of catching this superbug while in hospital.

09-08-08, 00:36
Hi Lesleya,

Yes I had one and I did have it repaired through my belly button and I was under general anesthesia. I did not have to stay in the hospital over night though. My operation was in 1994 so things may be better now and they might not put you to sleep. I think I got mine from lifting my heavy toddler as I was very petite. It did not hurt during the operation and of course, I won't lie, afterwards it did take a few weeks to fully recover. You must get this procedure done, you should be an outpatient so you won't get any hospital superbugs. Good luck and pm me when you can.

Take care and many hugs,



Good thing about going in through belly button is there wasn't a scar like my c-sections!

09-08-08, 22:39
Thanks Laura...i know i must have it done but id rather a local anasthetic than general, i had my foot done by local too its just i hate being put to sleep. Ive got no idea how i got it, ive had it about 18months - 2 yrs i think now.
I will pm you thanks.:hugs: :hugs: