View Full Version : A dilemma my hubbys having to cope with.

Granny Primark
08-08-08, 22:17
My hubbys brother died suddenly last year. They were soooo close and it broke my hubbys heart.
My sis in law gave my hubby a wedding ring thats been passed from my hubbys dad to his brother who died last year.
In my family weve had a huge argument with my son, A stupid family thing thats got out of hand.
My hubby was also given his brothers bike.
My hubby is longing to pass this on to our son.
Our son and his uncle were so close.
We know its what his uncle would have wanted.
My hubby is so scared to contact our son for fear of rejection.
Its not a way of getting into our sons life but doing something we both know would be what my sons uncle would have wanted.
What the hell does my hubby do? hes damned if he does and hes damned if he doesnt.

08-08-08, 22:34
Hi Lynn

My Mum had her dads clock(that he won for playing blind dominoes!!)

My eldest sons middle name is Patrick after her Dad

I have the clock but have never given it to him cos Im sure he would flog it

My advice is keep hold of it till the time is right

Kaz x:hugs:

08-08-08, 23:36
Hi from one Granny to another :)

It's a difficult one, family rows can go on for so long because nobody wants to make the first move.
The trouble is, your hubby won't know for sure what your sons reaction will be unless he gets in touch with him, maybe he could write him a letter saying more or less what you've said here.
There is always the possibility that your lad will reject him but at least your hubby will have tried to do what his brother would have wanted.

I hope it works out for you all :hugs:

09-08-08, 00:19
Perhaps a letter or email to your son, trying to make some overtures toward working out whatever the problem is. Gauge from his reaction whether he's calmed down and ready to rebuild some bridges. Then decide if the time is right to pass on the bike.