View Full Version : acid reflux

08-08-08, 22:52
any advice on acid reflux pease its giving me some pain and discomfort in my throat also when eating and drinking any advice is appreciated can i just ask if swallowing loads of saliva hurts the throat as mines is hurting real bad but i think i have a bit of acid ther e or is it just the anxiety causing the sore throat is this possible anxiety to cause throat pain thanks

08-08-08, 23:23
See doc and get Losec - works wonders

10-08-08, 19:21
he gave me ranitidin but it aint helping hows ur eating going

11-08-08, 21:04
hi there, i had same problem im 27 and always suffered mild heartburn, manageable heart burn then 2 years ago i started getting massive heartburn to the stage i was almost crying, also chest pains extra heartbeats and panic attacks all rolled into 1, just one day i woke up and it was there like a knife in my chest, the person who wrote about losec is dead right , also known as omeprazole they will take all heartburn and acid etc away may take two three days to kick in but its like a gift from the gods, dont worry about it, easy said i know but the truth is it only makes it worse i spent a year having attacks funny feelings in my chest al sorts of things i thought i was going to die , but im still here writing just now and no more chest pains,., also avoid oily greasy food and plenty of water, that done the trick for me , . hope this makes you feel better.:yesyes:

11-08-08, 21:06
oh and also ranitadine suck , they will not help well at least they didnt help me they are just zantac double doze, losec or omeprazole are the boys ,. good luck.:D