View Full Version : Major bruising

09-08-08, 01:47
About three days ago I started to notice that I had quite a few red marks on my leg. Then when my two yr old son touched my leg it resulted in a bruise very shortly afterwards. By that evening I had major massive bruises all over my leg. Atleast 50+ and some as big as an apple.
So I got worried and went to the ER as I normally dont bruise easily. So they did bloodwork and it came back normal. They really didnt know how to explain it at all, especially the fact it was only on one leg. So I saw my family doctor and he too has no idea what it could be from, my platlets were fine, I am not low on iron or anything else. So I am not bruising as badly anymore but my leg still looks absolutely horrible. People actually stare. I am still not comfortable because I never really got an explanation as to why it happened.
However since I have seen my doc and had bloodwork there isnt anything else I can do. I saw a naturopath and she told me to take more vitamin C. Has anyone here ever suddenly started bruising more than usual? I dont want to worry about it but its hard not too.

09-08-08, 02:01
i know some medications may cause it,

09-08-08, 08:57
Hi Alison
just a thought ! i keep coming out in what looks like bruises but on going to dr's he said it's bleeding caused........... through age (cheeky sod) i'm 49 so have taken his word for it but if you are a lot younger than that i'd go back and have another whinge at him about it.

09-08-08, 09:16
I agree , brusing easily is a sign of a few medical disorders, dont want to scare you.........
if you see it happen again go back to your doc or see a new one, it could just be a once off thing too.

09-08-08, 15:20
No new meds. I am 32. It seems to be settling but was very weird. I really hope it was a one time thing.

09-08-08, 15:26
Fingers crossed it was, and you don't have to worry anymore :yesyes:

09-08-08, 15:49
While it's true that easy bruising can be a sign of some medical disorders, the nasty ones can be ruled out by a full blood count, so don't worry about them. As to what causes it, I don't really know... I had a massive unexplained bruise not that long ago which really freaked me out. I think these things just happen! But don't worry about it being anything nasty, the bloodwork will have ruled that out. xx

09-08-08, 16:19
Yeah I wouldnt worry as you have had tests and they have come back fine. I doubt the hospital would have let you out if they thought it was anything serious!
A friend of mine had lots of unexplained bruises a few years ago and it was because she was taking paracetamol for a sprained ankle! Very weird. You'll be ok, our bodies tend to do some weird things without any explanation.

09-08-08, 22:06
hi alison
i have had bruising just like you and i was also told it was a lack of vitamin c also:hugs: :hugs:

09-08-08, 23:16
Thanks everyone. It really helps to have others share and reassure me.